Chapter Sixty-One: Games

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"I think... I think I'm falling in love with a demon," Cas said. "How did you know that you loved Sam?" he asked Ruby. He was so serious. Ruby almost laughed.

"Well, I'm not usually one to think about these things. Hmm. Sam said he loved me first. I realized that I loved him too. You love me, right Cas?" He nodded. "Think about how you feel about me, then compare it with how you feel about Meg. Is it the same?"

"I'm not sure. Emotions are strange for me."

"Obviously." Ruby laughed lightly. "I imagine that since you've had to stay with her so much for these last few weeks, you probably talked a lot. You probably know each other very well. So. What's the problem? Is it because she's a demon?"

"Maybe. We're very different. She calls me her unicorn."

"Okay. That's adorable," Ruby said, smiling. "Sounds like she really likes you. Hmm. Maybe you should just kiss her." Ruby was mostly kidding, but Cas seemed to take her seriously.

They'd been outside the hotel, sitting on a small wall of bricks. Cas got up quickly and strode back into the room. Ruby called out to him, but he kept going. She struggled to get up. By the time she reached the door, Cas had Meg pinned against the wall and was kissing her roughly.

When he finally pulled away, Meg actually looked surprised. "That was... impressive, Clarence."

"I learned that from the pizza man." Meg laughed richly, although Ruby didn't know what that meant. Meg grabbed Cas by the front of his shirt and pulled him back to her.

"I'm just gonna..." Ruby trailed off since they weren't paying attention. She went outside and called Sam, who was on a hunt. When he picked up, she said, "You'll never believe what just happened."

• • •

"Oh, crap. I know this one! Dazed and Confused!" Ruby yelled.

Dean skipped to the next song. "Kashmir!" Ruby shouted one second into the song. "Next." After about five seconds of the next song, she said, "Dang it. Skip." Dean started the next song. "Hangman. No, that's the first word. Oh, Gallows Pole."

"Time!" said Sam. "Ten songs in sixty seconds. Ruby is the winner of "Guess the Zeppelin Song" beating Dean by only one song."

"Dammit," Dean said.

"Fork it over," Ruby replied. Dean tossed ten bucks at her. "You should know better. I've been listening to Zeppelin on repeat for the past few months. I think the baby likes it. Maybe he takes after his Uncle Dean." Ruby leaned back in her seat, tired.

"Wait. You said 'he.' It's a boy?" Dean asked.

"Yeah," Ruby laughed. "It's a boy."

Dean went to where Ruby was sitting and leaned down to hug her. He slapped Sam on the back. "Congrats." Julissa smiled and said the same.

Mary hugged Ruby tightly. It was a bit awkward since Ruby was still sitting down. She made the effort to stand so she could properly hug Mary. When the hug ended, Mary put her arm around Ruby's waist so she could remain standing. Sam came over and Mary kissed him on the cheek.

Ruby jumped. She looked at Mary and asked, "Did you feel that?"

"What?" Mary asked. Her hand had been on Ruby's side, supporting her. Ruby guided Mary's other hand to a spot on her belly. "Oh," Mary laughed as the baby nudged her. "Sam, come over here."

Sam took Mary's place. Sam smiled widely and put his head against Ruby's. "I love you," he whispered.

"Right back at ya."

She looked up at Dean and Julissa, absorbed in their own world. "Would you ever want that?" Dean asked.

"Maybe, when all this is over. If we slam the gates of Hell."

"You are talking about having a kid with me, right?" Dean asked. "Never thought I'd say that."

"Yes, with you," she said pretending to be annoyed. They kissed.

"Wow," Ruby said, catching their attention. "Did I just watch you two kind of get engaged?"

"Loosely," Dean said.

"Okay. So first, was me and Sam and now you two. Next it'll be Cas and Meg. I don't know which is weirder: Dean actually talking about marriage or an angel and a demon being together." She laughed a little, but started to cough again. Sam made her sit down. When she stopped coughing, she asked, "Where are Meg and Cas anyways?"

"Who knows," Sam said, sitting down beside her. "They've been out together a lot lately. What can they even do? They can't really go anywhere because she's always wearing the cuffs."

"Maybe they're having sex in the Impala," Ruby said, tactlessly.

"Ugh, Ruby," Dean complained. "And, now I'm picturing it. I'm gonna call him." He took his phone with him and left the room. Ruby snorted.

Mary just shook her head. "Another game of poker? I'll deal."

"I'm in," Julissa said.

"Us too," Sam said.

Dean came back in later. He said he called Cas, and he said that they just went for a drive. Meg and Cas came back soon after that. Ruby invited them to join the next game. Cas wasn't one for poker, so he said no, but Meg said yes. Ruby actually felt pretty comfortable around her. They played a few hands, betting with snacks. Dean and Meg were the best. It was the first night when all of them had a honest to goodness fun time together.

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