Kennedy's Point-of-View

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I wake up at 7:00, dazed and confused. I don't recognize the room I'm in, and it takes me a minute to realize that I'm not in the hospital anymore. I have to physically tell myself, "I'm home.", but I still don't believe it- I'm not sure if I ever will. 

As I lay against the bed-board, I take notice of the posters and pictures that hang on the walls. Posters of bands I've never heard of before, and pictures of people I've never seen before. I feel like I'm living in a stranger's home- I don't belong here. I don't know who I am, or who I was.

I jump out of bed, before I have a break down. I'm still dressed in the clothes that I wore yesterday, that I received from the hospital. The jeans inch their way down my waist with every step, and the shirt irritates my skin. Since no one's here, I strip down to just my bra and underwear.

My apartment, alone, is still a big, vast maze to me. I should have taken the time yesterday to become accustomed to the apartment, but I ended up falling asleep at seven, having not eaten dinner. 

Once I find the bathroom, again, I take a minute to actually study myself in the mirror. I'm so grown up, compared to the Kennedy at seventeen. I've gained weight in the right areas; I've surely gone up a cup size, to my delight; my hair reaches mid-back and has some wave to it; I'm at least three inches taller; and, I look more mature. I remember wishing to grow up, but at this moment, I just want to be seventeen again; I want my parents; I want to be in Detroit, a city I actually know my way around. I don't want to be confused, grown up, and lost- I don't want any of this. 

Before I burst into tears, I turn around from the mirror and lean against the counter. My arms are folded to my chest, and my bottom lip is jutted out in a pout. My eyes roam the bathroom, and I see a door in the corner of my bathroom. As I walk to the door, I pray it's my closet, since I don't have one in my room. 

I open the door, to be greeted by darkness. My hand rubs the wall, until I find the switch. Once the room is illuminated, my eyes get wide at the abundance of clothes I have. I step in further, and I just stare at the clothes. I feel like a child in their mother's closet, in awe of everything. 

My hands brush against the garment, and I scan through shirt after shirt, looking for something comfortable to put on. I stop at a white tee, and I yank it off the hanger. I slip it on over my head, and the hem stops at mid-thigh. I'm a bit confused as to why I would have bought such a big shirt, but maybe I liked big, comfortable shirts?

I search through all the piles of clothes folded in stacks on the shelves for a pair of shorts and stop, when I see a pair of black shorts. I pull them from the stack and put them on. They're tight against my butt, and I feel uncomfortable. I pull the material down to cover my legs more, because I feel so exposed. 

My stomach grumbles as the thought of breakfast crosses my mind. I turn the light off and head to the kitchen. 

The kitchen looks untouched and too clean. I open the refrigerator and see that I barely have any food. The only food that I do have consists of rotten eggs and chunky milk. I quickly dispose of them and mentally tell myself to go grocery shopping. 

Giving up on breakfast, I return to my closet, where I noticed a few purses, and search for any money I might have. In one purse, I find a wallet with fifty dollars, a credit card, and a few gift-cards. I take the wallet and place it in a different, small purse. 

Thirty minutes later, I leave my apartment for the first time, and hope I don't get lost.


"Excuse me? Do you know where the nearest market is?" I ask a mom, with her two children. She happily told me how to get there and wished me best luck. I turn back around and head the same way I was coming from. 

A soft, yet frustrated sigh leaves my mouth, and I just want to cry. I bite my lip to prevent myself from weeping. Lately, the only thing I know how to do is cry. I can't remember the past seven years, but I know I can cry away the pain of not remembering. 

I keep walking down the ongoing street, until I see a sign that reads "Publix" twenty feet ahead. I pick my pace up, and I'm there. Taking a deep breath, I mentally prepare myself for the frustrating experience I'm about to endure. 

Soft music is playing, when I step inside. Families are shopping for the things they need, and employees are everywhere. I'm not exactly sure where anything is, so I have to use the signs above the aisles to direct me places.

Unaware of what I'm looking to buy, I go down the first aisle I come across, which happens to be pastas. With no knowledge of what I like now, I begin to buy what I liked at seventeen. I dump multiple boxes of spaghetti noodles and cans of spaghetti sauce into the cart. It's the only food I really like, and the only food I can actually make, without burning it. 

I continue on throughout the store, grabbing what I need and want. Shopping for groceries is possibly the funnest thing I've done, since I woke up. The feeling of independence is something I haven't had in what feels like forever, and I'm not taking it for granted this time. 

As I'm on my way to the check-out line, I hear someone say my name. I turn around slowly, to see a guy walking towards me. I remind myself to not freak out because this guy probably actually knows me, I just don't know him. 

The guys goes in for a hug, and I stand there, stiff. 

"How have you been, Kenn?" He asks me, unfazed about my confusion. 

"Uh, I'm doing good. How about you...?" I return the question.

"Great, thanks! I haven't seen you around lately. I thought you fell off the earth! I've missed you!" He jokes, but stopped laughing, when he noticed my blank expression. 

"Yeah. I've missed you, too. Hey, I'm sorry, but I really need to go." I say, before I rush off, leaving him standing all alone. 

The stress of my forty minute "trip" has me dying to get back to my apartment. The whole "get-out-and-get-familiar-with-the-city" plan was a total blow up. 

Once I pay for my things, I leave the store as fast as I can and attempt to navigate my way back home.


I updated!! I actually updated. You guys should be proud of me. (Not really, haha.) I hope you guys like this chapter, because I've been writing and re-writing this chapter numerous times to make it like perfect. Let me know what y'all think! xx

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