Letter Two: First Date

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After four weeks of knowing each other and constant teasing and friendly banter, I had finally mustered every ounce of courage I had in me to ask you out on a proper date, rather than hanging out among our other three friends. 

I had originally planned to stop by your dorm and ask you in person, instead of sending you a message or calling you because it wouldn't have been as genuine, but I was nervous as hell. You were a very intimidating person, Kennedy. Every time I talked to you, I always worried about what I would say. I wanted to impress you, yet I didn't want to say the wrong thing. 

It took me three days to come up with the "right" way to ask you on a date, even though it was a simple question. I had over thought everything about the whole situation. To all the possible answers you could've given me, to all the ways I could've asked you. Whatever it was, I had it thought out. 

Deciding that Friday would be our best option for a date, I chose to ask you that Thursday, in hopes you would say yes. 

It was in the cafeteria, possibly the worst place to ask someone out on a first date, but I wasn't that creative back then. Katie, Aaron, and Rick had all left for their last class of the day, and both you and I were done for the day. 

You were pushing around the potatoes on your plate, too full to eat them, while telling me about your awful professor you had that morning. You told me about how he hit on you the past week, and I felt myself getting jealous, even though we weren't even in an exclusive relationship. 

Throughout out entire conversation, I had begun doubting myself. What if you were going to say no? My sub-conscious continued reminding me that you were too good for me; that you weren't interested in me. I was worried you'd reject me, but you were too nice to reject anyone, so I really had nothing to worry about. 

"Hey, sorry. I didn't realize the time- I have to meet-"

"Do you wanna go out tomorrow?" I blurted out, accidentally cutting you off. 

"Like, a date?" You asked, biting your lip to prevent the smile that was threatening to show. 

"Yeah. A date." I smiled proudly. 

"I'd love to. I'm free tomorrow, at seven o'clock?" You suggested. 

"Tomorrow at seven." I smiled and watched you rush out of the cafeteria to get to wherever you had to go.


The next day, after I had finished for the day, I was a nervous wreck. I had gone on dates with many girls, but none of those girls were you, Kennedy. 

I had the whole date planned out and well-thought. You had mentioned to me earlier that week that you loved going to local shows. So, I scouted out the nearest show available on Friday, and it happened to be a band called Chum Bird. I was 100% doubtful that the band would be any good, but I knew you loved doing crazy things, discovering bands being one of them, so I did it for you. 

All day Thursday, you pestered me about what to wear. You had claimed you were never a girl to worry, but you seemed very worrisome Thursday afternoon. I repeatedly told you to wear something comfortable and casual, and you refused. You wanted an exact example of something to wear; you were very adamant about it, too. 

I eventually gave in to your pleas, and off the top of my head, I told you to wear a cute dress. It was very vague of me, as I didn't want you to get any clue of what we were doing. I had hoped you wouldn't be mad that I told you to wear a dress to a "concert". That was the last thing I wanted. 

At 6:45, I was still at my dorm, and I was trying to find my keys, that had somehow disappeared in the past thirty minutes. It was just my luck that I would be late picking you up. The night had already started off bad, and I wasn't happy. 


Once I parked my car in your dormitory's parking lot, I practically ran inside. 

As I ran down your hall, I received multiple looks from girls walking to and fro their rooms. It wasn't everyday you had a guy sprinting down a girls' hall. 

When I approached your door, I slowed down, so my breathing would return to normal. I didn't want you to think I had forgotten about tonight or something worse. 

I knocked on the door, and I heard your familiar voice call through from the other side. 

About four minutes later, you opened the door and grabbed your bag from the hook, before locking it behind you. I stared down at you, as you turned back to me. It amazed me how you could turn a simple outfit into something so beautiful. 

Dressed in just a black dress, with a green sweater over it, you looked stunning. Your hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and I could see your face completely, as opposed to your bangs falling in your face every minute. 

You asked me where we were going once more, and I decided that I'd tell you. I didn't want to show up, and you not be content. When I told you what we were doing, you were ecstatic, telling me that that it was going to be the best date ever, even though it hadn't even started. 

As we pulled out of campus, I was feeling confident about the night. I had scored an incredibly beautiful date, and she was already convinced it was a great date. I was on cloud nine. 


"Louis. How on earth did you find this band?! They're amazing!!" You screamed at me over the music. 

"Internet." I laughed back. 

The band, despite their awful name, had turned out to be a decent band. Their music resembled 80's Rock, with a hint of grunge- one of our favorite genres. 

Throughout the performance, we barely spoke, but we didn't need to. We were both enjoying the music, along with one another's company. It had turned out to be a very successful date. I had nothing to worry about. I didn't have to worry whether I said the right or wrong thing, and I didn't have to worry if you liked it our not, because you obviously loved it from the start. 

To end our date, we stopped at cafe around 12:30. The food was greasy, but it accommodated the show, well. 

Overall, the night was perfect... Your words, not mine. 


Oh my gosh, guys. Would you look at that! I actually updated! I'm a little bit sketchy about this chapter. I still don't know if I like it, yet. Next chapter will be Kennedy's point-of-view! Comment and vote, please! Love you all. xx

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