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Dear Kennedy,

In your hands, you have a series of letters- twenty-five to be exact. That is almost the equivalent to an average month. Do not read them all at once. You are only supposed to read one letter a day. That is the sole purpose I had, when writing these letters. Each letter has something special in it. Each letter is a memory, of us. It's our own love story. In letters. 

You've gone through so much lately. You've lost a vital part of yourself- your memory. I know this...because...well, Kennedy, you're my girlfriend. You don't remember me, though. The five years we spent together are gone in your mind. But, in my mind, they're completely fresh. 

So, I decided back in April of 2013, that I would explain to you our relationship, through a series of hand-written letters. This is my way of telling you about me, about us. As I wrote these letters, I didn't even know if I would succeed. I didn't know if you'd ever remember me, but I was going to try. I was going to try to repair your memory with my words.

The doctors said it would be a bad idea. They said it would be impossible for you to remember me. But, they don't know us. They don't get us. I'm not saying I'm 100% positive you will remember me, but I am saying that this could possibly work. In thirty-one days, you might remember me. And, that is all I could ever ask for.

Please be careful with these letters- take care of these them with care.. These thirty-one letters hold our lives in them. It tells our story, from my point-of-view. I wrote down every mile-marker of our relationship in them. All I ask of you, is that you cherish these letters and keep them to yourself. 

I know you're a stubborn girl, and I know you will want to read these letters all at once. That cannot happen, Kenn. I'm going to refresh your memory one day - and in this case, one letter at a time. 



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