Kennedy's Point-of-View

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My thoughts had been consuming me for the whole day yesterday, invading my dreams last night, and easing their way into my daily activities earlier today. I literally had thousands of questions roaming my mind, since I woke up- not a single one of them has been answered. 

With letter number one out of the way, I had the entire day ahead of me to do anything. The slight problem I had was the fact that I was totally lost. I barely knew my way around my own apartment, and there was no way I could navigate myself around Stanford. That was a risk I wasn't willing to take.

Yesterday, I had searched my apartment for any signs of this Louis guy. I looked for pictures, letters, anything. If he was- is my boyfriend like he claims to be, there has to be something in this apartment that pertains to him. But, so far, I have no luck. 

I slumped down on the couch and let out a frustrated sigh. My eyes traveled to my right wrist, where the word "freedom" was permanently inked on my skin. Never in a million years would I have gotten a tattoo, but who knows what kind of person I was in the past seven years. 

It was then that I was tempted to tear open the second letter and learn more about my seven-year gap and what happened in those seven years, but the author of these letters, Louis pleaded me not to. It took all of my self control to leave the envelope on my coffee table, and occupy myself with something other than wondering I who I was. 

In the arm chair, adjacent to the couch I was sitting on, was a MacBook. I jumped up from my spot on the couch, the cushion taking its previous formation, and greedily picked the laptop up. I returned to the comfortable couch and opened the laptop. 

The screen lit up, a bright, white apple in the middle. It took a couple of minutes for it to completely boot up, and when it did, it went straight to the desktop. I was stunned that I hadn't set a password for myself for privacy, but it made the job easier, overall. 

To my dismay, the background wasn't a photo of me, or Louis, as I had hoped, but it was the scenery of New York. My eyes roamed the desktop for any folders that might contain any vital information, but I didn't find one, yet. 

As I was about to shut the laptop and give up, I spotted a folder labeled "Louis". Jackpot. 

I let the mouse linger over the folder, unsure if I should click it, or not. Louis never said anything in the letters about things on my laptop. He never even mentioned it, but why do I still feel bad about what I'm about to do?

Before I could make up my mind on what to do, the phone rang. 

Still unsure of where everything is, I had to follow the sound of the ringing to locate the phone. When I looked at the caller i.d., I didn't recognize the name, but it sounded awfully familiar. 

Katie Bruley. It didn't set off anything in my mind, or ring any bells, but I was most positive I had heard the name before. I wasn't exactly sure who Katie Bruley was, or how she knew me, but I had a feeling we were friends of some sort. 

It was like I had an epiphany, because I darted to the large envelope sitting in the same place I had left it, and dumped all of the letters on the coffee table. I scattered through them to find the latter labeled: Letter One: How We Met. Once I did, I skimmed through it, and found the name Katie, multiple times. Surely I didn't know that many Katie's...

Confident in that the Katie calling was the same Katie Louis had mentioned in the letter, I rushed back to the telephone that had been constantly ringing for the past minute. The instant I returned to the phone, the ringing stopped. 

"Hey Kennedy!" The voice, I assumed belonged to Katie Bruley, said into the line, with a pained, yet hopeful tone. "This is another voice-mail out of the countless ones I have been sending you. I call everyday, hoping one day you'll pick up, and answer with that same cheerful tone of yours. Well, I won't waste my time talking to a brick wall, because you're still not back from the hospital. I love you, Kennedy, and we're constantly thinking about you. Bye." 

I stood in silence, staring at the phone, and felt my eyes burning with tears. Jackie was right- she was right all along. There is someone- there are people out there- who care for me, and are hoping I regain my memory, just as much as I want to. I'm not alone, after all. 

Without hesitation, I started listening to all the voice-mails that had been left for this phone. 

"Hello Mrs. Owens. I am calling to make sure you still want to cancel your appointment for Thursday. If you've changed your mind, give us a call back. Thanks." Delete.

"Hey girl! Have fun on your trip! I'll be sure to get your work for you. Don't do something I wouldn't! Haha." A bright, happy girl's voice said, and I knew immediately it belonged to Katie. 

"Hey, babe. I know you're probably asleep, but I'm just calling you to let you know I just made it to the hotel. I know how you get about things, and I didn't want you worrying about me. I hope your classes are going well, and I can't wait to see you. I love you- talk to you soon!" A male's voice said. The only thing distinct about the male's voice, was the accent. It wasn't American. Louis.

I replayed the message at least three times, before deleting it. It gave me a strange feeling listening to Louis, who knew me, and still knows me, talk to me. I didn't want anything else to do with the voice-mails, so I ended up deleting them all. 

The clock read six o'clock, and I wasn't bothered to do anything, even if I could do something. I retreated for my bedroom, with Louis' voice-mail playing over and over again in my mind. 


I'm really digging this chapter, guys. And, I'm really digging the fact that I have uploaded twice in one week! I feel like I'm finally getting back on track! It could also be the fact that I write some of these chapters out in school, even though I shouldn't... Anyways, please vote and comment. I would love to here what y'all think of it so far! 

And I didn't really know how to explain Kennedy's tattoo, so there's a picture of the side!

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