Kennedy's Point-of-View

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"Kennedy?! Hello?"

I am silent. I am speechless, actually. I haven't got a clue what to say. To me, Katie is a complete stranger. What do you say in a situation like this?

"Uh, yeah. It's me." My tone is hushed, like I'm telling her a secret.

Katie lets out a huge sigh on the line, as if a burden has been lifted off her shoulders. Which I am sure in her case, that is the truth.

"How-How are you?" She stutters. I won't say, but it is possibly one of the dumbest questions she could ask me.

"To be honest, I am not doing so well. I don't know my way around the city-for christ's sake, I don't know my way around my goddamn apartment! It's lonely. I don't have any friends, here. And if I did, it's not like I would be able to recognize them. I don't even know myself. And, to top the cake, I read some emails on my laptop, and I cannot figure out what has happened. So, yeah." I exhale deeply. It feels good to talk about it. I really needed that.

The other line is quiet, and the silence is awkward. I remind myself that this is hard for Katie, too. Maybe not as hard as it is for me, but she has been affected by it, as well. I may have lost my memory, but she lost a best friend, too.

"I know you don't remember me, Kenn. I know all of this is probably awkward for you. And I know it's unbearably hard. I want to be there for you- I want to be your best friend, again. But, it's up to you. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable or make you do something that you don't want to do. It has been hell not knowing if you were okay, but now that I do know I can rest easy. I miss you so much. I really want to see you."

We talk for seven more minutes, to be exact. We make plans to meet up for coffee tomorrow. She picks a place relatively close to my apartment, so I shouldn't have trouble finding the place. I am very anxious. Part of me wants to meet her now, but the other part of me doesn't want to meet her at all.

She knows so much about me that I don't- that's both attracting and repelling. I need a someone, however. I need a friend to be here for me. I may not know her, but I know she is a good friend.

I need answers, too. I need to know who I am.
Of course, I need it all in moderation, and I think Katie understands that, too. But, this will be good for me.

This gives me a chance to get out, to become more acquainted with this city, and to interact with someone other than myself. I am going stir crazy all alone in my apartment, with literally nothing to do and no one to talk to.

An alarm startles me, and I realize I have to leave now to make it to the hospital on time. I dread having to go, but I need closure. If all is well, it should be my last appointment. Other than therapy, of course.

I grab my bag and leave.

Today is the day. I feel like I am going on a blind date. I am beyond nervous- I changed my outfits four times. I don't know why I am trying to impress her, when she already knows me.

I stand outside the cafe, frozen. All I have to do is walk through the door, but suddenly I can't. I just stand still, as people pass me.

I consider turning around and heading home, but someone calls my name. I immediately recognize the voice, and I know it's too late to bail, now.

"Kennedy! Hey, it's Katie." She stands in front of me, with a huge, genuine smile plastered on her face.

Now that I am actually seeing her for what feels like the first time to me, it feels right.

I can tell she is resisting the urge to hug me, because she is being cautious, but I am the one to pull her in for a hug, which not only surprises her, but also surprises me.


I am so sorry this is another short chapter. I am trying to 'get the ball running' here. I still believe this story has potential, so bare with me, you guys!

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