[1] chilling

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This story is copyrighted to littleirishcutie©.

Chapter1- *Aly's Pov*


It was the summer holidays. School had finished about three weeks ago. I was sitting in my small cosy bedroom, covered in one direction posters. Haha, my posters are limited to a certain amount as my mum doesn't want 'crap covering the walls' as she would say. It took me long enough to persuade her to let me have the posters on my wall, I didn't want to push it! I was sitting in my bedroom waiting for one of my best friends, Jessica, to turn up so we could get on with the night. A girly night, she was sleeping round whilst my mum and dad- per usual- left me to look after my little sister, Madison. Whilst they went out and got as drunk as you can get, having a good time, leaving me to look after Mads. Surprisingly, mum let me have a friend over to sleep round! How nice of her! Anyway I was waiting for Jessica to arrive, she's never on time, the poor girl! I was entertaining myself, whilst Mads was whining about not having enough chocolate buttons in her bowl. I was looking at the silky One Direction Official annual, drooling over how perfect they were and how I wanted to meet them like every other girl on the planet. Half an hour late, Jessica turned up. Savour! I hadn't seen my best friend in three weeks, it felt like forever!

Sorry I forgot to introduce myself, how rude- I'm called Alice, but you can call me Ally. And you can find out a little bit more about me later!

After we had put Mads to bed, we sat down on the smooth brown leather sofas, and began to relax. In front of us, the thin black plasma TV came to life with X Factor. We both loved this programme when there wasn't any rubbish on there. Becoming intrigued in the 'wanna be' One Direction, the adverts bounced onto the TV. I'm not sure about you, but I hate adverts. But this one had me captured. It was the answer this question and you will get the chance to win tickets to...ect... Well this one was win tickets to One Direction! Everyone knew the answer to the questions, they weren't hard. Quickly, Jessica picked up her slim IPhone and dialled the number, her eyes still stuck to the TV. The phone rang about seven times before someone answered, we gave our answer and our details and the person on the other end said they would get back to us if we had won, which we were hoping we did.


I don't own any of these characters!
- littleirishcutie, xx

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