[2] some crazy stuff

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Chapter2- *Still Aly's Pov*


A few weeks later

After an enjoyable two weeks, chilling and spending time with family and friends I was knackered. It had been about three weeks since we entered the competition, my mum didn't know and I barely told anyone. Next week I've got to go back to the hell hole, aka school. The only fun part of it is seeing my friends and pissing the teachers off. Apart from that it's pretty rubbish. The only other thing to look forward to is football. It's the only time I get to be myself and people don't judge me. I like it like that. Without school I wouldn't know any of my best friends, Jessica, Tabitha, Ann or Grace. I suppose I thank school for meeting my best friends, I wouldn't wanna thank it for anything else. I'm not even sure what I would do without my best friends, I would be so lost. What I love about our friendship is we all have silly little nicknames, ones that our worst enemy-Leanne, we call her 'post it' because she sticks to every guy and pretends she loves them-would think are babyish. and immature. So Jessica is Jess, Tabitha is Tab , Ann is Ans, and Grace is Gee and obviously I'm Alice, people call me Aly. We are all supposedly 'mature adults' now. We have all turned 17. Ans, Tab and Jess will all be 18 before Christmas. Lucky girls. That leaves Gee and I till after Christmas. :( Now you know a little bit about me, let's move on to something more interesting shall we? As you know, I'm CRAZY about One Direction, I mean come on, who isn't? Well okay maybe, Gee isn't as crazy as we are, in fact she doesn't like them, no okay she hates them. What I love about Gee is she is tough and doesn't let anything get in her way, if it does she pushes it out of the way and moves on, that's what I love about her, she's carefree, she doesn't care what the world thinks about her. And that's why I love her. And there I am with probably the rest of my friends caring what people say and taking it to heart. We aren't as tough a Gee, I think she is the one that keeps us together. I wish I could be carefree but I can't, I've tried, I suppose it's part of your personality. A bit like one direction, we have our own little family, Liam is Daddy Direction, that Gee for us. Then you've got Louis, the immature one, that would be Tab. You've also got Harry, he's a bit like Ans. You defiantly can't forget Zayn, that's Jess, somehow. Niall, you can't forget that cute little boy, the boys call him the baby of the group, even though Harry is the youngest. That's what my friends call me, the baby of the group, even though I'm second youngest. I like to see us put in that way, against One Direction.


We have been back at school for about two weeks now. We have all these stupid new rules put in place, whoever made them up is a total faggot. These new rules included- chewing gum is banned from the school, uniform is stricter than ever, that doesn't bother us as we don't wear uniform as we are sixth form (year 12&13). We aren't allowed to eat anywhere other than the diner and the courtyard(where ever that is). There are many more rules, but I'm not gonna bore you with them. Jords and I are starting to lose hope about ever winning these tickets to see One Direction. Yes, yes, I know it's a one in a million chance, but who knows, we could be that one in a million? Haha we wish... Schools as boring as heck, the only thing keeping me going is football and yes you've guessed it, One Direction...Haha, lame I know. I still don't understand why 'post it' hates us! What did we ever do wrong to her? Ah, okay, maybe we might have done something to her, it wasn't big, it was funny and seemed like a good idea at the time. We were immature and didn't think! Okay I'm sorry! And you are probably wanting to know what we did to her aren't you! Well I will tell you right now if you carry on reading!!

It was year 9, (grade 8 in America) and 'post it' had been annoying us for some time now. We were fed up of her as you would be! Well instead of ignoring her, we humiliated her and took the piss out of her, maybe a bit more than we should have done. Anyway, she deserved it!! We decided that one day we were going to post a load of pictures around the school of a really embarrassing photo of her when she was younger, the twist was, she was nude, (like toddler age) not only that we put photos up of her in the bath with her hair spiked up, like how all mums do it at some point in your child hood. The thing was, we caught her off guard and she was so insecure about herself as a child, she would tell no one about her child hood, and those who did know anything about her, were threatened and had to keep their gob shut. I don't even know where we got the photos from, but we did. We made sure to put them in the places she wouldn't see for a couple of hours, so that people could laugh at her and she didn't know what they were laughing about. Then things spiralled out of control, we didn't mean to hurt her as much as we did, but somehow we did. She lost all of her friends as a result and it took her a year to get them back. She somehow found out that it was us that put them up but we told her that if she ever told anyone it was us that put them up we would kill her with humiliation (I don't literally mean kill her). That told her to keep her gob shut but from then on she hated us, but we deserved it. Somehow we didn't get into any trouble and even managed to stay on here to sixth form! I was amazed that I was accepted! Haha, suppose I'm just lucky. Lol. Speaking of lucky, that day when I came home from school, there was a letter sitting there on the table, addressed to me...


Cliff-hanger!! Not a big one but anyways! Hope you liked it!

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- littleirishcutie, xx

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