[13] ups and downs

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Chapter 13-ups and downs

*Zayns Pov*

Everything with the new single went amazing. Louis has fully recovered from the fight a couple of weeks ago with The Wanted, well mostly Nathan! We start are Where We Are tour in about a month and its really sad as we are away for about 6 months! We are going to ask if the girls can come with us. But management with probably say no, as usual.

*Nialls Pov*

Please Paul! Let the girls come with us!

"No! No Niall! Do not do the puppy eyes it will not work on me! No more said. They can't come. Now out!"

"Fine!" Liam huffed.

"What did they say?" Aly said walking up to me.

"They said no" I answered.

"That's not fair!" Aly moaned looked slightly pissed!

"I know babe, it's not fair." I don't agree either.

"I'm going to talk to them!" Aly said as she wriggled out of my grip around her waist.

"Fine but they won't budge!" I said a chuckle rolling of my lips.

"They will change there mind! Just you see!" She said laughing.


"You will never guess what they said!" Aly yelled jogging into the room.

"What?" Louis asked curious.


"Omg! Aly you are amazing!"

"I know I am, haha" she said winking as I kissed her on the lips. This then turned into a make out session. We were in Liam's living room having a make out session along with everyone else but zayn. He just sat there awkwardly. Instead he went off the the kitchen. As we carried on our make out session we moved our selfs to my room that I have a Liam's house. As we both breathed for air, I started kissing Aly again. Moving her hands, she pulled at the bottom of my t shirt and pulled it off over my head. As I was about to do the same, there was a knock at the door.

"Dinners ready" was all Zayn shouted before walking away. We both got up and ran out to see who could get to the food first. Haha.

(A/N just to say I'm not gonna write 'sex' scenes and dirty stuff as I'm not comfortable writing it and its cringey and stuff. Most there will be is kissing!)


*Tab Pov*

I am so lucky to have my boyfriend and my best friends. Without them I don't think I would be myself. They make up who I am and I thank them for it. Sometimes when I'm alone and don't have anything better to do, I think about Derek. I think about why he did it. I think about all the memories we had together. All those memories. Our ups and downs. Everything. I can't say I miss him but then I don't know anymore. My mum only ever met Derek once. She doesn't really care about me anymore. She thinks I'm still engaged to Derek. The last time I spoke to her was about 9 months ago. When I was still with Derek. Even though I have Louis and all the girls and boys. I feel so lonely. I feel self conscious. I feel fat and ugly. I feel like I'm unwanted and worthless. Sometimes I want to disappear and see who notices that I'm gone. Sometimes I question myself. I ask my self, who am I? sometimes I think things would be better off if I wasn't here.

"Tab, you okay?" Louis asks as he walks into the room.

"YYeah yeah I'm fine." I say wiping away the tear that somehow managed to roll it's way down my cheek.

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