[9] excitment and akwardness

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Chapter 9-excitement and awkwardness

*Ans Pov*

+++++++++++++*a few weeks later*

Today we are meeting the boys. I actually can't wait! Anyways, Als was rushing around to tidy up the house for them to come over. She was in the kitchen cooking food whilst throwing orders at us to do.


Ding Dong

"I'll get it!" I shouted out. As I walked towards the black wooden door I looked down to what I was wearing. I was wearing a blue tight top with 'hollister' imprinted on the front. I was also wearing black skinny jeans with my brown fake ugg boots. My brown slightly wavy ombre hair swished back and forth as I walked towards to door. Smiling I opened the door to see five gorgeous lads standing in front of me. As soon as they saw me they smiled back.

"Hey, im Ann, please come in." I said trying my best not to fan girl in front of them. As I shut the front door, Als practically squealed and jumped onto Niall. Jess walked up to Liam and gave him a tight hug. Tab said hi to Niall and I just stood there awkwardly. Als must of noticed this as she introduced us to the boys.

"Guys, this is Ann, and this is Tab" Als told the boys. They all nodded in understandment and said Hi. I looked from right to left over all the boys and just couldn't help but notice Harrys gaze on me. I have always liked Harry-he has always been my favourite.

After sitting down and talking we all sat down for lunch. It was my favourite- Spaghetti and meatballs. Als spaghetti and meatballs are the best! I don't even know how she does it! For pudding she made chocolate mousse and cupcakes. Honestly, I think she wants to make us fat! As usual Als ate loads! Along with Niall of course. Harry managed to sit himself besides me. Als and Niall sat together and Jess and Liam sat together. Tab and Louis where laughing to some joke one of them had said and Zayn sat next to Als on the other side. Als was trying to talk to them both as she hates to see anyone left out! That girl is such a darling! Somehow she had managed to get them both into a conversation so no one felt left out.

*Harrys Pov*

As soon as that black front door opened and I saw Ann standing there, I knew I wanted her to be mine. Her wavy brown ombré hair sat nicely on her chest. I could help but to look at her through-out the whole day. I managed to get a seat next to her at lunch and we spoke about loads of things. She said how she wants to be a vet and she told me a bit about her life and how she is single and about her family. Finding out that this beautiful young girl is single made my flirting instincts kick in. the brown haired girl obviously noticed this and flirted back a little. I feel like I've known this girl for all my life and I feel like I can trust her. However hard she is to get I will keep on trying so that one day she will be mine. Only mine and mine forever.


~littleirishcutie, xx

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