[15] who in the mother of god are you?

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Chapter15-who in the mother of god are you?

*Allys Pov*

I was currently getting myself ready for a walk in Manchester. Our first stop on the tour. Placing my purple dms on my feet, I picked my bag up and walked towards the door.

Opening the door I bumped into Niall, making me fall elegantly to the floor. Ha me elegantly? More like elephant style to the floor. Landing straight on my bum, making a big thud. Just my luck I had my still crappy blackberry sitting in my back pocket. After a thud on the floor came a crunching, cracking. My phone.

"Oh Ally, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there! Are you going out somewhere?" Niall asked looking me up and down.

"Niall honestly I'm fine." I replied whilst he looked at me frantically seeing if I had any visible bruises.

"And I'm just going to explore around Manchester before dinner. I won't be gone long." I told him. Pulling out my blackberry I looked at it to see the screen cracked and some of the buttons missing. Great.

"Damn! My phones broken. Better start saving up for a new one!" I laughed sarcastically to niall. We both know how well I am at saving up for things. I'll just have to go without a phone for quite a while.

"Oh babe, I'm sorry I made you fall and I broke your phone." Niall said looking at me.

"It's okay honestly!" I replied to him.

"I tell you what! After dinner we can go out and I will take you to the apple store and I will buy you the new iPhone. Either iPhone5c or iPhone5s! You can think about it on your walk!" Niall told me smiling showing off his perfectly straight teeth.

"No, Niall you can't! I won't except it!" I told him laughing.

"Well I'll make you!" Niall said a deep chuckle coming from his throat. Giving me a peck on lips. We both said our goodbyes.

Walking out into the cold late afternoon of Manchester I looked around seeing a shopping centre. Walking towards the shopping centre I walked inside. My kind of heaven if you ask me.

Looking around I saw many shops.

Forever 21, new look, primark, Costa coffee. Deciding to get a drink first I walked over the costa and walked in.

"Hi! How can I help you?" The brunette haired lady asked me.

"Erm, could I have a medium chocolate creamy cooler please?" I asked looking up at the board to make sure I got my order right.

"Would you like cream with that?" The blonde haired lady behind her asked.

"Yes please."

"That will be £2.50 please." The brunette haired lady told me.

Handing over my money and went to the end of the room to collect my drink.

Looking around trying to find a seat, I saw only one seat left next to a young looking girl. Making my way over to where the free seat was.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" I asked the red haired girl. The red hair looking rather familiar.

"No." Was all the red head replied not turning around to look who it was.

Sitting down I looked around the crowded shop. From the corner of my eye I saw the red head looking at me shyly.

"Hannah?" I asked gasping at the sight of an old friend.

"Ally?" Hannah said. Gasping slightly herself.


"It was great speaking to you!" I told her, glad we had had a catch up.

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