Chapter 5- Trust Abides

Start from the beginning

"Dammit, Pap! It ain't even like that! She's-...." Sans cut himself short. How was he going to talk himself out of that little slip? Nervously, he grabbed another bottle of honey and stuffed it in his pocket, hurriedly walking around Papyrus to give a view of his back.


"Lay off, Pap. I told you, there ain't no girl and I ain't talking about this shit anymore." he practically snarled.

Papyrus giggled like a schoolgirl. "YOU SHOULDN'T KEEP STUFF LIKE THIS TO YOURSELF, SANS! I NEED TO MEET THIS GIRL THAT OBVIOUSLY HAS YOU SO ENAMORED!" Sans slammed a bony hand on the edge of the counter top. "What the fuck, Pap! How many times do I gotta say it. There AIN'T. NO. GIRL!" He heavily emphasized at the end, hoping to drill it into Papyrus' head, but his brother was already too far gone in the wanderings of his imagination with this newly discovered information. "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! MY BROTHER'S IN LOVE! I'VE GOTTA TELL UNDYNE THE GOOD NEWS!"

"Papyrus, no!" But he was already running around Sans at full speed, looking like Superman ready to take flight as he busted through the front window. If Sans had a dollar for every time he'd had to replace that window, he'd be a rich Skeleton. Using his magic, piece by piece, he placed each broken shard back in it's proper place. What the hell was he going to do now? Just that little slip of the tongue and now Papyrus was convinced he was in love. Sans scoffed. Him? In love.... with the Human? There was now way he'd ever get close enough to that Human, or any for that matter, to even entertain such a notion. The scoff turned into a snort. In love with the Human. How ludicrous.

Sans spent the better portion of five minutes internally convincing himself he wanted nothing to do with the Human woman he'd now regrettably allowed full blown access to the entire Underground. Telling himself in any and every way possible that hell would freeze over before he'd ever even care about her, let alone love her.

Then he chided himself, however. Why was he even giving her enough power over him that he was now standing here like a fool, swallowed in thoughts of her.... regardless of the reasons. He needed to get her off of his mind completely before she came back so he could ensure he'd have the will to walk away like he had the day before. Luckily, it was still far too early for her to be here anyhow. He'd have plenty of time to mend this window, find some excuse to usher Papyrus out of Snowdin and get back to keep an eye on her when she finally did show up.

Little did he know.....


Frisk smiled at the familiar glow that shimmered with what looked like a million tiny flecks of golden glitter. It slowly dimmed before fading away entirely to leave her looking at the Save Star. She'd given up the thought long ago of even wanting to restart. Not that she had the ability anymore, but she'd almost been thankful to the voice for destroying it. If she'd reset at any point before, none of what she'd experienced so far would have come to pass, and this mysterious place intrigued her beyond measure.

'Sans' intrigued her, and the Determination within her was like a driving force, pushing her ever closer each night to chipping away at his defenses. She'd befriend him yet, and when she did, whatever secrets he was hiding behind that made him so angry and bitter, she'd help fix them. Fix him....

He couldn't keep running from her forever, after all....

"I forgot how cold it was here..." she said with a shiver. From where she stood now, up in the far off distance, Frisk managed to see what appeared to be buildings. A town?! She smiled and sighed audibly while walking toward it, humming to herself as she did so to try and distract herself from the sheer frigidity of her surroundings. Also up ahead was a form of some sort.... A skeletal form, but it didn't look like Sans. He wore much different clothing. The closer she came, Frisk was able to make out his attire much clearer. A bandanna, dark gray, tied off in the front like 2Pac used to wear. On his upper torso, he wore what would normally be considered a belly shirt by most, but it was oddly something similar to.... yes. It was like a basketball jersey, light blue and stopping just at the bottom of his rib cage to expose his spine. He wore extremely baggy dark gray sweatpants, sagging slightly at his hip bones. One pant leg was rolled up, kind of like LL Cool J used to wear, she remembered. It brought a snicker forth from her lips, stifling it quickly so he didn't hear her. He was like a walking epitome of every ghetto cliche' all rolled into one, with the long gold chain that hung around his neck adorned by a huge golden dollar sign to boot. She also could have sworn he was wearing blue suede Timberland boots, which then made her snort as the Elvis song came to mind. Who wore Blue Suede Shoes anymore?

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