Chapter thirteen - Jasper

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Me: Come on, get up. I want to show you something.

Kyla mumbles something and stands up. I go outside and wait for her to get dressed. When she comes out I motion her to follow me.

Kyla: Where are we going?

Me: My car...

Kyla: And then?

Me: Old town-library

Kyla: What?

Me: I promised you, we'd find out something 'bout that banshee stuff goin' on.

Kyla: Oh. Thank you!

When we're in front of the library I search a free parking lot and we go in.

Woman: Hello, can I help you with anything?

I look at her. She's in her mid-fifties and she's got white hair. She's wearing a name tag with "Mrs Pierce" written on it.

Me: No thanks.

She tells us to call her if we needed anything and by her look I can tell she's trying to figure out whether we're the type of couple that'll make out between her precious books. She seems to have decided we weren't, 'cos she walks off towards her desk. Kyla and I start our search for the supernatural section.
After what seemed like forever we finnaly found a section at the very end of the giant hall. Kyla and I start pulling out random books and try to find out what supernatural being they're about. After a few minutes Kyla's finally succesful. We take the book about banshees and go to Mrs Pierce. You have to know that in this library you can always borrow books and sometimes also buy them, depending on the book.

Kyla: Is it posibble to buy this book?

She puts it down on the counter. Mrs Pierce takes a look at it, then types something in her computer. Then she smiles at us.

Mrs Pierce: Yes, my dear. It costs 60$. It's quite old, you know...

Well if it's really old, then that is definetly cheap.

Me: We'll take it.

I pay and we get back to my car.

Kyla: That was expensive. You didn't have to buy it. We could have found a cheaper one!

Me: For me, it wasn't that expensive, my parents have already had wine for more. And anyway for you it's worth it. I rather pay more for this book than get something for 2$ and tyen we find out all it says is bullshit. This book looks definetly like at least part of what it says is true.

She smiles at me.

Kyla: Thanks so much.

I lean over and give her a quick kiss.

Me: Now let's get back on campus and find out whatever there is to find out 'bout banshees!

When we're back in Kyla's room I sit down on her bed. She makes herself comfy next yo me. Then she puts tye book in front of us. It's cover is made of leather and the title is lituraly pressed into it and colored black. The book is called: "Banshees - Is their talent a gift or a curse for mankind?". I notice Kyla hesitating.

Me: You okay? We can do this later if you want to.

Kyla: No, everything's fine. Let's do this!

She opens the book on the first page. I notice that there is no author, publisher, year or anything given. The text starts directly on the first page. I look at Kyla. She still doesn't seem sure she wants to do this. I gently pull the book a bit more towards me and quickly turn the pages. Huh...weird. The whole book is covered in an old-looking handwriting. The ink - yes it is really written in ink not printed - is black. And there are pictures like every fifth page or so. Not these giant ones that fill a whole page, but like half a page each. I study one of the pics closer. I think they're sketched with chocoral. It's weird though that the book doesn't seem like a copy. It looks so...unique. When I arrive at the very last page, a piece of paper slips out. It looks kinda old, already yellow and stuff...Kyla takes the paper.

Me: What does it say?

Kyla: for yourself.

She hands it to me.

The note:

Dear reader,
as you might already have noticed, this is not a normal book. It is the only of it's kind and I sincerely hope someone worthy found it. Do you believe in supernatural creatures? If the answer is no, please stop reading here, because you wouldn't believe any of this anyway. So do yourself a favor and give this book to somebody else. Or sell it or whatever...
If the answer is yes and you're interested in learning more about one of these creatures...

That's weird. It says one of those creatures. That means there are more. Well shit...I go on reading. may read on. One thing you have to know: supernatural creatures are very real. They're not just myths. I have to know because I myself am a banshee. - And I know other people that are other supernatural creatures. - I wrote this book because I know it can be difficult to be a banshee and banshees - unlike other creatures - are rare so it is unlikely that we ever meet another one. So I want to pass on everything I know and sincerely hope you are another banshee and not someone who will use this information against my folks.
I hope you learn what you need to learn and then would you do me a favor and pass this on to someone who may be a banshee or be able to pass it on to one.
Thank you and farewell

I look at Kyla.

Me: Well if this is true, it'll help you a lot!

She nods. Then she flipps back to the first page, takes a deep breath and starts reading.

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