Chapter twenty eight - Kyla / Olivia

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Kylas POV:
*the night before*
Our faces are suddenly only inches apart...I push against his chest so that he stumbles back. Not thinking of the fact that he was the one holding me up though. I fall into the other direktion. I get back up and push myself towards the back door. It takes a while seeing as I am a bit...well very drunk. As soon as I am outside the cold air hits me and sobers me up a bit. Not completely, but at least my head gets clearer. I see two men walking towards me, the same ones as those who where in my room earlier. They ask whether I am okay. I nod and tell them I just need some air. They don't seem very convinced but go away a bit so that I have my privacy. I feel a warm flow of air as the backdoor opens once more. Then Sam is beside me and looks at me concerned. Why does he always look concerned?

Sam: I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me.

Me: Hey. It's not your fault. It's mine actually. Don't understand me wrong, you are attractive and all, but it's just too early after J...

I swallow.

Me: Jasper. I guess you understand. With Lucy.

Sam: Yeah I...

Me: We should have a funeral don't you think? It would be easier to let go.

Sam: Yeah. Yeah you're right. But it can't be official because then we'd kinda all be suspects in a double murder...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that.

Me: No I understand you. You're right. We'll do it secretly. Where we found Jas...him.

Sam: Okay. But we better get you back to your dorm now. You never know who you could run into at night. Some creatures are more dangerous than you would think.

There was something weird about the way he said this but I don't bother thinking about it, the alkohol is still too strong in ny system.

Olivias POV:

I open the dorm room. There is Kyla sitting on her bed and...talking? Then I hear a male voice. There is Sam. Sitting...On my bed?

Sam: Hey, I crashed on your bed last night, I didn't want Kyla to be alone I hope you don't mind.

Now Kyla notices me as well and turns towards me. I jump onto her bed next to her and hug her.

Me: Can we talk?

Kyla: Sure.

I nod towards Sam who seems occupied with his phone. I don't really trust him. We haven't known him for long and the only one to really know anything was Lucy. And I don't really trust her jugement with guys. Honestly no one would if he saw all those guys she dated. So I don't really feel comfortable talking in front of Sam.

Kyla: It's okay.

Me: Please?

Kyla: Honestly let him. He was here for me all the time while you were making out with Eduard. HE was the one keeping me distracted so whatever you say, he may hear as well.

What? I didn't mean to hurt her. I'm just about to say something when my phone rings. It's a message from Eduard, he tells me to come outside onto the parking lot, it's important.

Me: I...Kyla I'm sorry I have to go.

Kyla: Where? No wait let me guess. Eduard is waiting.

Me: Kyla please. It's important. I'm sorry.

Kyla: Of course it is important. It always is isn't it?

Her voice is cold. Maybe I should stay.

Kyla: Go. He's waiting.

My phones rings again. You know what never mind, it concernes Kyla so I'll come to you. I look at Kyla. She's turned away from me and looks at her phone.

Kyla: What are you waiting for?

I walk over to my desk and sit down.

Me: He's actually coming over.

I pretend to be scribbling around with a pencil out of boredom. Actually I quickly wrote something on a post it. Three words.

Kyla: Oh.

Then someone knocks at the door. I kinda knew he's fast but then I keep forgetting that he has his vampire speed. I stand up and open. Eduard comes in and I take both of his hands to lean up and give him a quick kiss. As I let go, he notices that I left the little piece of paper in his hand and looks at it, so quick that I'm sure no one but me noticed. Then he does what I asked him to do. He reads my thoughts. I sit down on my bed, Sam moved over to Kyla when I went to open the door. Eduard sits down beside me.

Eduard: Hi.

Eduard: Are you sure?

Kyla, Sam and me: Hey.

I nod and eventhough I barely moved my head I know he saw it.

Kyla is talking to Sam again.

Kyla's behaving weird. Not like usually. It seems like maybe someone convinced her not to like me anymore. Like someone is messing around with her mind. As in a vampire.

Eduard: Are you sure? Maybe she's just having a bad day?

I'm sure.

Eduard: That's why I came here actually. Well not this, but Kyla. Logan found out that they are actually out for me AND Kyla. Because she's a banshee and all...I think we should tell her.

No! She's needs time. She's not handling anything and there's a vampire sneaking around in her head. We don't tell her.

Sam looks at his phone.

Sam: I have to go now.

Eduard: We have to.

Sam stands up and everybody says bye.

Tomorrow? Eduard nods.

Eduard: I'll stop reading your thoughts now. I really don't feel comfortable doing this to you. Is there something else?

No. But honestly it's kinda hot that you can read my thoughts. He smirks at me.

Kyla: What was it, why you came here? Both of you actually,because you noth said there was something important and now neither of you said whatever it was.

Oh shit. The people are coming for Kyla. The fortune-teller was right.

Me: I wanted to see how you were doing.

We both look at Eduard.

Eduard: I thought we should arrange a funeral. I wanted to ask you two if you were okay with me doing it.

Wow he really can come up with a good lie in seconds. But then maybe it wasn't a lie and he had really already planed this.

Kyla: Sam and me actually thought that as well. But it has to be secret.

Eduard: Yeah I know. If you want me to I can arrange everything until noon tomorrow.

Just as we both nod, Kyla breaks down as in pain.

Me: Kyla? What's the matter.

Worried I sit beside her on the floor. She points towards her desk. Eduard looks at it. The only things on there are books, paper and pens. So he grabs pen and paper, hoping that was what she wanted. She nods and takes them then she scribbles one word onto the paper. Eduard reads it and suddenly he turns pale. I take the note carefully out of his hand but drop it as soon as I read this one dreadful word.


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