Chapter five - Olivia

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Behind the bush there's a clearing. It's nearly a perfect circle and a little stream comes out of the forest on one side. Next to it there is a small cottage. Its wood looks old, but it seems taken care of. One side is partly covered with ivy, aside of that the hut looks intact. The trees around the clearing stand close together and there are bushes between them, so it is practically impossible to find the meddow if you don't know where to look. In the middle there is a big tree, spending shade for the flowers around it. I look at Eduard.

Me: Whose is this?

Eduard: The cottage?

Me: Yes

Eduard: Mine.

Me: What? You've got your own little house in the woods? And an own appartement in the city?

Eduard nods. His parents have to be super rich!

Me: And the cottage is completely yours?

Eduard: Absolutely. No one even knows where it is and that it exists. Only me. And now you. It's my place to go when I need some privacy. It's so peaceful. Quiet.
Do you want to see it?

Me: I'd love to.

He walks towards it, still holding my hand. I see him pulling out a kind of old-looking key. Inside there's a comfortable room. The walls are dark red and there's a fireplace on one wall. In front of the other there is a red sofa facing it. The wall on both sides of the door and opposite of it are covered with books. Old books. Have I mentioned that I love old books? On each side of the sofa there's a wooden door. A dark low wooden table stands in front of it and there are red candles on top. The only thing that doesn't really fit the atmosphere is the big tv hanging between the landscape paintings over the fireplace. As I step into the room I notice that the floor is covered with a fluffy red carpet.

Eduard: Want something to drink?

I nod and he opens the door on the right side of the sofa. I get a glance at a kitchen, mostly of dark wood. I sit down and look around again. This is really impresive. You could never guess from the outside. Eduard comes back, with two glaces of water and some chips.

Eduard: I hope this'll do I'm a bit low on food and drinks here, 'cos usually I'm alone. And it was kind of spontanious that I took you here...

He's soooo cute.

Me: I'd have taken water anyway. And I'm honored that I'm alowed to be here.

Eduard: I'm glad you like it.

He puts the chips and the water on the table and sits down next to me.

Eduard: Are you from here?

Me: I grew up in a little town about an hour away. Like Kyla.

Eduard: So you can visit your family...

Me: I could but my dad died when I was very small, then my mom remarried and my stepdad doesn't like me, so I don't go there often.

Eduard: I'm sorry. I...

Me: It's okay you didn't know.

Eduard: Do you...want to talk about it?

I shrug. It was a long time ago...

Eduard: How did he die?

Me: He was cutting wood in the forest and was attacked by an animal. And my stepdad has a drinking problem.

Eduard flinches. Huh...weird.

Eduard: Do you have siblings?

Me: Nope. What about you?

Eduard: I grew up hours away from here. My parents and I had a fight. About They told me to go far away and never contact them again, but I know they still love me 'cos they pay basically everything. But they don't want to see me ever again.

Me: Why, you didn't do anything?

Eduard: Not exactly...Anyway I've got one bigger brother, he's one year older than us. With him it was kinda similar, only a few years before me. After my parents threw me out I went to my brother, he helped me. Then I applied here and used some of the money my parents send me every month to buy a flat and this cottage. Which was very...come down. I renovated it.

And I thought my life was sad!

Me: I'm so sorry.

Eduard: It's okay, I've learned to live with it. I mean, I don't really have any other choice, do I?

I start to answer, but then I notice, he doesn't want to talk about it, so I change the subject. We talk about this and that, nothing really important. However I enjoy myself. After a while we decide to watch a movie. I ask if he has vampire movies, 'cos I absolutely adore those. He goes to one of the bookshelves and pushes a nearly invisible button. One meter of the shelve turns. Liturally. Behind the books, on the other side, there are MANY movies. I wouldn't even have the nerves to count. Eduard pulls out one of the movies and puts it into a slot on the side of the tv. When he sits down again, he's much closer than before. I like it. We start to watch and at some point he puts his arm around my shoulders and I rest my head on his chest. When one vampire attaks an inocent girl I flinch - sorry I really feel with movie characters- and Eduard seems kinda tense. After the end we just keep on sitting there, his arm around me. After a bit Eduard brakes the silence.

Eduard: Hey, Liv?

Me: What? Liv?!

Eduard: Oh, you don't like it? I thought I'd give it a try.

Me: No I like it. Really. It's just that no one ever called me that, so I'm kinda surprised...

He smiles.

Eduard: Anyway, do you want to go eat something? It's kind of late...

Me: Hmhm

After another few minutes I start to stand up, but Eduard takes hold of my arm. I look up -he's a bit bigger than me-. Suddenly he bends down and kisses me. Not a real kiss, his lips barely touch mine, they're not even there more than a second. Still it's enough to make my heart go crazy and I think I'm blushing. I lean forward at the same time as he does and this time we really kiss.

We walk in silence back to his car. It's not a depressing silence or anything like that...we're just both stuck in our thoughts. This time Eduard drives. In town he stops in front of a small and cozy looking restaurant. There are not many tables but we manage to fibd a seat in the back of the room. We eat and talk and laugh and I'm enjoying myself. Which is rare, I'm usually in my room or I go out with Kyla. But I don't really have fun then, 'cos it's her thing not mine. Other than that I just meet with Lucy sometimes. She's our (Kylas and mine) only other real friend. We met her when we came to this university. We do some stuff together, the three of us now and then and I won't say I hate it, I do like it. But when I'm with Eduard I REALLY enjoy myself. Maybe it's because I feel safe with him. Safe enough to relax. Ihad a hard childhood, you can believe meif I say it's not easy to relax when you're with other people. Even if you know them. That's also the real reason why I study so much. And even if I pretend to be, I'm not over my dads death yet. But with Eduard everything seems to be so...unimportant. I feel secure with him and strong.

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