Chapter sixteen - Olivia

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Eduard pushed open the door. At first I don't see anything out of the normal but then a shadow falls over the light coming out of the cottage and I see a guy standing in the doorframe and smirking at Eduard.
I expect Eduard to say something because there's a stranger in his cottage, but he just takes my hand and pulls me past the still smirking stranger into the cottage. There he motiones me to sit down and disapears into the kitchen. After a few seconds he comes back with a glas of water which he gives to me. Then starts to pace up and down. I turn around and look at the guy in the door. I jump when I see that he's not by the door anymore, but right next to me. He's tall and muscular and his eyes seem nearly black, the same color as his leather jacket and shirt and trousers. He grins at me.

Me: What?

He turns towards Eduard

Him: Nice catch! Though...she is human?!

Eduard doesn't react at all, he just keeps on walking up and down in front of the tv. I take a sip of my water and watch him. He's so hot!
Then suddenly the door opens and a guy, similar to the other comes in. He's dressed the same, his hair is the same, he just looks a bit older. The first guy comes to the door and then they both just stand there. Without moving at all. It's kinda creepy. I look over to Eduard, but he doesn't even seem to notice me. Then his head snaps towards the door.

**: Hello Eduard, long time no see.

I turn towards the voice. It belongs to a - very - hot guy with blue eyes. His hair is also blue and falls over his eyes. He seems kinda familiar but I don't know where to place him.

Eduard: What happened?


Guy with blue hair: Yes I'm also happy to see you. Oh btw why don't you introduce me to that gorgeous women over there?

Everybody turns their attention towards me. I feel very uncomfortable. Eduard seems to notice and he comes over to me, to sit beside me.

Eduard: This is Olivia. My girlfriend.

Girlfriend?! I didn't know it was official. Yaay.

Eduard: And that weird guy over there is my brother, Logan.

Ah, that's why he seemed familiar.

Eduard: So now that everyone knows everyone...

Wait, who are the guys at the door?

Logan: These are my...bodyguards/friends/helpers. The one on the right is Nik and the on the left is Greg.

Oh shit, I said that out loud?! Logan chuckles.

Eduard: Anyway, what happened? Why are you here?

Logan: To catch up in my little brothers life?!

Eduard: You would've called for that. Seriously you haven't had any contact with me since a few years after I moved out of your place and now you want to tell me, you want to catch up???

Woa he's pissed.

Logan: It was eight years after you moved out from my flat that we shared for 4 years and since then 298 years passed to be exact. And to your qu...

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