Chapter eighteen - Lucy

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I want to tell them. I can't talk. My mouth feels dry. The car drives off. Is ot an ambulance? I try to move, but someone tells me to hold still. I'm too tired to argue. I just want to sleep. Someone talks to me. I think it's a guy. I know that I know him. I just can't quite put a finger on it. He tells me I'll be allright. Hmmm weird. I don't fell alright. My head hurts. The voice again. He says to look at him. I open my eyes. Everything is so bright. My head hurts more. I close them again. Everything is still bright. It's getting darker. I see something red. Why can I see if my eyes are closed? At first the red frames the rest of my vision/not vision whatever. Then it spreads. Now everything is red. Someone tells me something. I try to open my eyes again. I can't. But I have to tell them. Tell them what? Oh...what happened. I wanted to tell them. But...what did happen. I can't remember. I try to. My head hurts even more. I stop. Everything. Not everything. I'm still breathing. Am I? The red around me gets deeper. Someone shouts. It hurts my ears. And my head. They scream about loosing her. Who is she? Why do they have to shout? I'm moved. The red gets deeper. Why red? I never liked red. My hair is red. Blood is red. I think there is blood in my hair. Is my hair red? I should dy it. I always wanted black hair. My boyfriend has black hair. I think. What's his name? Ssssssss...Oh I remember. Serm. What a strange name. The red gets deeper. Now my whole body hurts. I stop thinking. It hurts. The red gets deeper
And deeper
And deeper
And deeper

Dangerous secretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora