Chapter twenty seven - Eduard

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I wake up and turn my head to the side. Olivia's still sleeping. Her head rests on her hand, the other hand lies on my chest and her face is turned in my direction. She's so cute. I stroke her hair that is spread all over the pillow and look at her for a while. How is it possible that I lived without another thought about a women ever since I became a vampire 310 years ago and then fall for this beautiful young women in a split second? I carefully take her hand off of my chest and stand up. I quickly dress and get into the kitchen. I'm done with preparing the last of the breakfast just as she enters the room. I look up from the omlette. Olivia wears one of my shirts that goes nearly 'till her knees. Her hair is still a bit messy and she looks more asleep than awake.

Me: Morning darling.

Olivia: How are you this awake in the morning?

Me: Two reasons: First I'm a vampire, I don't really need sleep. And second: It's nearly noon. I let you sleep in.

I chuckle as she looks at my clock and notices I'm right. Then she see's the breakfast.

Olivia: Omg you're the best.

Me: Yeah I know.

She sits beside me and starts eating. She seems ro be thinking, I'd really love to know what about, but I promised I won't read her thoughts.

Olivia: Are you okay?

Me: Hmhm...just thinking...

Olivia: I meant with...Jasper...

Me: Oh. Errrr...I think I'm still doing better than you...I've lived long enough to know how to handle...well this.

Olivia: I didn't think of that actually...It's still weird. I somehow keep forgetting that you are a vampire.

I burst out laughing. She looks at me questioning.

Me: You forget that your boyfriend is a vampire? You can forget to lock your door or something. But how do you forget that someone with whom you spend a lot of time very close to isn't human?

Olivia: Well if you say it like that it does sound a bit weird...

After breakfast I quickly clean up the stuff and walk over to Olivia, who was watching me.

Me: You know, it drives me crazy not knowing what you think.

She grins.

Olivia: I drive you crazy?

Me: Not what I meant but that as well.

Suddenly she seems to remember something.

Olivia: Are you hungry?

Me: No, we just ate.

Olivia: I with haven't had any since yesterday, right?

Me: Ah...yes. But I don't have to feed three times a day like you have to eat normal food that often. I can go a while without it before I...before the urge get's too strong.

Olivia: But you are hungry nevertheless?

Oh she does notice everything doesn't she?

Me: It's ok.

Olivia: Do you want to...

She takes up her wrist in my direction. I interrupt her before she even said it.

Me: Out of discussion. No. I don't want to hurt you.

Olivia: Last time you didn't.

Me: It didn't hurt?

Olivia: Not in a bad way.

Me: Still, only beacuse it worked once, doesn't mean I couldn't hurt you accidentially. I won't do it. I'm not experienced in all this. I haven't drunken from a human in a very very long time up to yeaterday. And that was an exception because the risk that you get hurt if I don't do it was even worse than the risk that I hurt you while drinking. This time it was a day. Seriously I won't take that risk again. I'm dangerous Liv.

Olivia: I'm not afraid of you.

Me: Maybe you should be. I'm a vampire after all.

Olivia: I don't want you to be suffer because you're with me all the time and don't get a chance to eat.

Me: I'm okay. I promise.

Olivia: At least go eat in the forest or something.

Me: No chance. I won't let you alone and you'll definetly not come with me.

Olivia: You're forgetting Logans guards. And I can go to Kyla, I wanted to anyway. Then there'd be a bunch of guys looking out in front of the door AND all around campus. No stranger could get to us.

Me: You sure?

She nods and turns, probably to get her stuff. I grab her wrist and pull her back. She looks up at me and I kiss her quickly before letting her go.
As soon as she's ready to go I instruct all four of Logans men to follow her. I can take care of myself. Then I leave towards the forest.

After I fed I want to head back, but I hear someone behind me. I quickly turn to see Logan.

Logan: You let Olivia out of your sight? I'm surprised brother.

Me: What do you care?

Logan: I had to look after her for you. I honestly have better things to do than to babaysot your girlfriend.

Me: What happened?

Logan: Tylor followed her, but I caught him before he got close enough to hurt her or anything. I don't even think she saw him. I kinda threatened him and I think he's scared. At least when I told him to run for his life and never set a foot here or amywhere near Olivia again he ran. I followed his scent after he was gone and he really left. Far away. I made quite an impression apparently.

Me: Thank you. I should have known better than to leave her, even with all your guys.

Logan: And I did some research. You know I have my sources. They tell me that this person is looking for you. Not you as in Eduard, but you as in my brother. And also where he is from.

Me: Where?

Logan: Black roses.

Oh shit. They are a group of dellusional, but intelligent supernatural creatures, mainly vampires. They are the main reason why Logan has bodyguards and they'd do whatever it takes to get our vampire regime to fall. Their methods do fit to what is happening at the moment. Before they take what or whom they want, they make them suffer in ways one can't even imagine. Starting by taking their loved ones or making them suffer. They are one of the reasons I wanted nothing to do with all this. But now they found me. Of course. We did find black roses with Lucy and Jasper. That was a warning.

Logan: And not only you. They want the banshee as well. They want Kyla.

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