Chapter twenty - Eduard / Olivia

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Eduards POV:
Olivia doesn't move. The information seems to sink in.

Jasper: Olivia? I'm coming over as soon as possible.

Olivia nods. Then she notices that he can't see her so she says yes and then hangs up.
I see her hand shaking as she puts the phone on the bed next to Kyla. Then she bursts out into tears as well. Kyla stands up and hugs her. I scribbel a note and put it on Liv's bed:

I'll be at my flat. Call if you need anything. (Really anything whatever it is) <3

I quietly leave the room and close the door.
In my flat I let myself fall onto the couch. Don't get me wrong, I didn't leave because I wanted to be alone or anything. But they both just lost their best friend and they need to grieve together. I'd just be in their way. If Olivia needs me, she'll call. But I don't think she will. At least for a bit, she'll want to stay with her friend, alone. Without having to put up with people telling you how sorry they are and what a wonderful person Lucy was. I've seen so many loved ones die, I know that for sure. If you have an immortal life, you learn to live with grieve. You don't have a choice. Even though I know that, it still hurts to think of Lucy. Why her? She was such an innocent girl. And why do I even care, I barely knew her. Well I care because Livvy cares. And I know that that sounds weird. But it's true. I go back to my front door. I know I shouldn't care. I open the door and speed into the woods in seconds. Caring hurts. I start running (in normal speed not vamp speed). But being confronted with loss brings back old memories. I fall into a steady jog. Bad memories. I feel the air around me. Brutal memories come floding in. I jog faster. I have to think of something else. Jogging distracts me. That's why I go so often. I can just let go. After hours (I'm a vamp, we have extra strengh, a few hours is nothing!) I start panting a little. I decide to go back.
In my flat I check my phone. Shit. One missed call. From Olivia. I call back. Thankfully she called only a few minutes ago. She picks up.

Olivia: Hi, are you busy?

Me: Hi...and no.

Olivia: Can I come over?

Me: 'Course you can. But are you sure you don't want to stay with Kyla?

Olivia: Japser is here with her now, so she'll be okay.

Me: Will you? Be okay I mean...

She sighs deeply.

Olivia: I have to, don't I.

In the backround I hear Jasper.

Japser: Who are you talking to Livvy?

Olivia: Eduard. I'm going over to him now.

Her voice seema quieter, probably she is holding the phone away from her head.

Jasper: I can drive you if you want.

Olivia: Oh that'd be great. Eduard I'll be there in a few minutes, Japser said, he...

Me: I heard.

Olivia: Oh yeah right. I forgot. You hear everything.

She chuckles.

Olivia: Well see you in bit.

Me: Be safe.

Olivia: I will.

I hang up. A few minutes later I hear a car stop outside. Olivia gets out and the car drives off again. I open the door. She rushes towards me and throughs herself into my arms.
I want to tell her that everything will be fine, but I know that nothing can change what happened, so I just stroke her hair and stay quiet. I take her up into my arms and cary her to my sofa, where I put Olivia down. As I sit next to her, she suffles around so that her head rests in my lap.

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