Chapter 20...

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(Ashley’s P.O.V)

   After Aaron and the girls left I made my way up to Drew’s room. I knocked on the door. I heard some shuffling around and then the door swung open revealing a bloodshot Drew.

   “What’s wrong? Why are your eyes bloodshot?” I asked him curiously while making my way into this room.

    He just shook his head. I sat down on his bed and patted the space beside me.

   “Come here, sit down and tell me what’s wrong.” I demanded.

    He sighed and sat down beside me.

   “I’m not going to propose to you. When Gabe told me what he planned on doing, it hit me. If it happened to Sara and not you then you’d be jealous. But I can’t propose. I don’t want to get engaged yet or married. I’m so young, I don’t believe that I made a mistake with you but you have to understand that I love you and I hope that’s enough for now. I know that I’m not really giving you a reason for not wanting to get married but just please bear with me.” He finished looking terribly sad.

    “Drew I know you love me and I love you so much. I don’t care if you don’t want to get married. Stop stressing over it. All I need is your love.” I told him bringing my lips to his. I kissed him instead of the other way around but it felt good. I was proud of myself. He kissed me back. We stayed like that for awhile and then regretfully pulled away when the doorbell rang. I ran downstairs and in the process almost tripped. Thankfully Drew caught me in time.

    I smiled up at him. “Thank you.”

   He nodded and I opened the door. A gasp escaped my lips. The man standing in front of me said he wasn’t coming back for another three months. So what the hell is he doing here? Why did he knock? It’s his house. So many questions were running through my mind and one word came to my lips but I didn’t have enough time to say it before I blacked out.




    I couldn’t take it anymore. The guilt. The guilt of knowing that this all happened because I screwed up one night at a stupid party. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen, I mean who would? Why would somebody want to be pregnant at this age? I hate myself for being stupid and making one wrong decision that is now in tern going to affect my entire life.

   I need to leave. I have been talking to my aunt that lives three hours away and she has agreed to take me in. Gabe thinks he wants to marry me. But in a few years time he won’t want me or our child he’ll be too busy for us and eventually leave us. It will break my heart and then I’ll have to deal with that.

   No. I won’t let it come to that. I will leave him before he leaves me.

   Looking around mine and Ashley’s room I grabbed my suitcase and packed all of my stuff. I looked around and took a deep breath. I need to do this, I told myself. I grabbed a piece of paper from the desk and a pen and wrote my goodbye note.

   My Family,

   I’m sorry I left you…my family this way you deserve so much better. Good luck Ashley with Drew and the twins. I never told you this, but you were right…I was having twins until I had that miscarriage and lost one. I love you to death girl. You can still call and text me but I won’t tell you where I am. Drew take care of Ashley. She deserves much love for she is an amazing person and you know that…don’t ever stop telling her how beautiful she is, or how much you love her laugh because if you don’t you might loose her. I know that you guys will probably be mad because I left but I did it for my baby’s own good. I know that if I had stayed then Gabriel wouldn’t have stayed with me after a few years. He’s not the kind of guy that can only be with one girl. I know you love me Gabriel and I love you but just let me go. Please don’t try to find me. If you love me let me go, eventually I will call you or get Ashley to tell you that I had the baby and if you want to see it then you can. I’m not a cruel person and you all know that. I love you all…




    I set the note on Ashley’s bed and slowly and quietly made my way out of the room. Tip toeing down the stairs I noticed that Gabe was in is room and Drew in his. I could hear Ashley talking to him as well. I’m home free. Walking downstairs and out the door was as easy as breathing. Guilt crept up on me as soon as I walked through the door. In truth I really don’t want to leave but I know that if I don’t then my life will be too screwed up. I will miss everyone but most of all I will miss Gabe. But I know I am doing the right thing.


   Okay so i know that it's extremely short but it's important! Please do me a favor and vote and/or comment!:) It would mean alot. Let me know what you want to happen...

   A good story to read is, Tell me you love me,

   AWESOME STORY!! Please read it!:) Its by curliibuddii

  Anyways thats it for now love ya'll-Chris<3

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