Chapter 15...

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: Ella2hip49

“I’m so tired!” I complain to Drew who is currently sitting on my bed going through a list of names.

     “But we still haven’t picked out a name!” He said exasperated.

      We’ve been fighting over names for the last hour. All of the names he likes I think sound too girly or too nerdy. I want my children to grow up with neutral names so that they don’t get made fun of.

      “Well I’m tired of this so let’s continue arguing another time okay? We still have time to pick out names.” I give him a small smile and get up heading for my door.

      “I’m going to find Sara.”

      “Okay, fine whatever just ugh!”

      I silently laughed at my boyfriend as I made my way downstairs. Just as I was about to ask Gabriel if he knew where Sara was the front door swung open and Sara bounded in.

     “AHHHH! Ashley! I have to talk to you right now!!!!” She told me grabbing my hand and hauling me as fast as she could towards the stairs.

      “Drew’s in my room so we can’t go there let’s go outside.”

      “Okay just hurry!” We ran out the front door and towards Gabe’s car.  

      “Now what’s up!?” I ask her curious as to why she’s freaking out so much.

      “Aaron really is back! I just went to the lake and he was there and he saw that I was pregnant  and I sorta accidently might have mentioned that your pregnant too and-” She paused to take a huge gulp of air. –he said that he wanted to talk to you and I told him that you probably wouldn’t and then I had to go but he is back so what are you going to do?” She asked me finally ending her fast talking.

      I was too shocked to speak. If he was really back does that mean that he would want me back and what if I said no? It wasn’t fair that because of what happened he just left. Without explaining anything to me. I was so not prepared to talk to him after what he did.

    “I’m not going to talk to him.” I told Sara.

    “Okay then good answer let’s see how it plays out.”

    I laugh. “Ya well let’s go back into the house the guys are gonna bug us so much about this, you know their gonna be curious.”

      “Yes they are and we aren’t going to say anything are we?”

      “It’s funny how smart you are.” I tell her smiling.

     We walk back into the house and quietly attempt to make it passed the boys who where currently watching football while sitting on the couch. And for a second I thought we actually made it until Gabe spoke up.

     “And where do you two think your going? I think we deserve an explanation as too your current odd behavior.” He said looking at Sara.

     “It’s nothing Gabriel let it go because your never going to find out.”

     “Find out about what?” He asked curiously.

     Not good she’s going to crack and now he now’s that theirs something to find out.

     “Nothing Gabe leave us alone, come on Sara lets go to bed.”

     She nodded and we left the room without another word. Once we made it up to my room I fell asleep instantly, probably from all the stress.

     The next morning I awoke feeling like I could conquer anything. I woke Sara up and took a shower all the while wondering what I was going to do today. I decided I would search for baby names on the internet. About an hour later had I found the perfect names.

     “DREW!” I yell.

     Not two seconds later does he come running down the stairs an unknown expression on his face.

      “Are you okay what’s wrong?” He asked me a little panicked.

      “I’m fine there is nothing wrong. I just found the perfect baby names what do you think?” I asked him motioning to the laptop screen after her read the names a smile appeared on his face.

      “You like them?” I asked him suddenly feeling very happy.

      “I love them!”

      I screamed all the while jumping up and kissing him full on the lips. He responded immediately deepening the kiss. I don’t know how long we kissed for because my lips where numb but I didn’t care I just kept kissing him. I heard someone clear their throat and I looked up to find my mother smiling at us.

     “Sorry to interrupt honey but Sara said she doesn’t feel very well so she’s going to the doctor and Gabe is taking her. I just thought that you should know.”

     I nod. “Thanks mom I’ll go talk to her.”

     Giving Drew one last peck on the lips I ran upstairs to our room. What I found was quite frightening.

      Short chapter but necessary:) I am already writing the next chapter because it's gonna be epicly awesome lol! Maybe but only if you guys VOTE and COMMENT! I don't care if you say you hate my story or if you love it please just say SOMETHING! Lmao! Well don't literally say "Something" cuz that would be just smart ass;)

   Love y'all -Chris<3


Way too young!!!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें