Chapter 14: Cold, Inconsiderate Winter

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Half edited, sorry about that. I hope it's worthy. Dedicated to Monica for various reasons that I have seem to have forgotten, couch potato syndrome and all.

Cold, Inconsiderate Winter


  The air was cold and crisp as snow crunched underfoot. There were six of us travelling in a group through the thick blanket of snow. Abigail was at the front, leading us and there were two guards on either side of us, flanking us while keeping an eye on the frozen forest.

  We were heading to the Winter Court. Abigail was taking us since she’s been there before, although with lingering haunting memories.

  The forest surrounding the Winter Court was just that; Winter. The Winter Queen obviously wanted people to freeze to death before they even reached her house so she wouldn’t have to face them. There was a blanket of snow so thick my skirt was drenched up to my knees and I couldn’t feel my toes anymore.

  I remember I asked Desmond about the Winter Court once.

  “What’s the Winter Court like?” I asked. I was sitting up in my bed, still moping around after seeing my aunt, before being told I had to take a long trip.

  Desmond was walking around the room, inspecting various objects. He looked at me before answering. “Well for starters, it’s cold. Freezing actually, but that’s how Winter likes it. They have a Queen instead of a king and she is the embodiment of Winter.”

  “So does that mean she’s cold?”

  He laughed heartily. “No, Ella. It means she’s reserved and can be very chilling. But like winter she has kindness.”

  “Winter has kindness?”

  “Yes, it does. It’s not completely unforgiving you know. Have you ever wondered why we have winter?”

  “Doesn’t it have something to do with the Greek gods?”

  “Persephone and Hades? Yes and No, we have Winter because it balances out Summer. If we didn’t have it, all we would have is the devastating heat. Winter allows for the place in-between, it gives us a break from the heat and frost can actually preserve certain pieces of nature, keeps it alive. Winter isn’t all that bad, it can be chilling to begin with but in the end it is truly wonderful. Children always marvel at the wonders of the snowflake, that’s what Winter is. So don’t speak badly of it.”

  “You’ve met the Winter fey haven’t you?” He nodded, “Well are they what you say they are?”

  “Indeed they are. They also don’t take well to being insulted.” He looked down at his shoes as if in slight shame.

  “What did you do?”

  “I accidentally insulted a Frost Fey and was frozen completely for a week. It took a further week for me to thaw out too,” He frowned while I hid giggles behind my hand. “So, my warning for you is, be careful when dealing with Winter.”


  I didn’t think I would actually need his advice, but I do and I hope I can actually use it. I was told by Caterine that Winter Fey can be very tricky since, you know, they’re cold.

  “Not too far now!” Abigail shouted from up front.

  Snow was swirling around us in a whirlwind now, blowing my hair around my face. We wore thick coats with fur inlays and snow boots with thick soles. Still we were cold; I could even hear the guards’ teeth chattering. I smiled as I imagined Desmond out here, freezing.

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