Chapter 22: Teasing Guards

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I completely forgot what my AN was going to be, because I've been binging on internet for hours... hehe, oops. But I remembered! (just!) and I'm dedicating this to Ethan as a welcome to Wattpad kinda thing. And I have to say, thank you guys. My ratings are going up lately (votes and comments from people other than friends) so I'm quite stoked. And I've come up with another story idea... so if you wanted long dead stories revived, good luck lol

Anyway, enjoy, vote and comment!

Chapter 22: Teasing Guards

I kneeled in front of the minister who wore a tall and pointy hat; it took me everything not to start giggling. I was very nervous, because like I had said, only a few months ago I was human.

The minister spoke a few words in fey- I understood some of it thanks to some of Desmond's teachings, but not much. He then gestured for me to stand and spoke a few more words.

Then came the part where I had to repeat what he said, it was my oath to the kingdom. I messed up a little of it as I tripped over the foreign words, but I knew their meanings. I had to protect the kingdom and do what's best for it, and several other things that just go with being a queen.

Caterine then handed the minister a staff, which he then presented to me, followed by a very heavy orb that glowed with an inner light of silver-blue. I then had to curtsey and stay down, it was a bit difficult thanks to all of the fabric of my dress and cape, but I managed to stay upright for the minister to place a silver crown on my head.

I slowly rose and turned around to face my people, all of them watching me with anticipation and adoration.

"All hail Queen Arabella of the Light Court!" The minister yelled.

Immediately cheers erupted from the crowd, then they slowly started to chant "Long live the Queen!"

A grin spread across my lips as I realised that these were my people, and that they would follow me to the ends of the earth- I mean realm.

"So, what does it feel like to finally be our queen?" Desmond asked as he escorted me to the ball room where a buffet, refreshments and music awaited. All of the fey had rushed there immediately, but I asked to take a stroll first. It was a little overwhelming. Only Desmond accompanied me, Caterine insisted upon it, giving me a wink as she flounced off with an older guard and I suspected that he was just a little more than an escort.

I sighed. "You know, I would much rather answer you without your helmet on," I grinned.

He rolled his eyes, but took his helmet off anyway, tucking it under his arm instead. "Well? What's it like my queen?"

I stopped in my tracks and gave him a sad stare. "Do you have to?"

He grinned, teasing. "Just tell me what it feels like."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not really sure, I was always kind of your queen, but I guess now it's more real, I truly am your queen. It's a little daunting knowing that I'll soon be leading many to their death, but it's also invigorating because I'll also be leading them to a new life. You're finally going to know what it's like to live in a peaceful realm- or as close as we're going to get."

He smiled at me; a softness in his eyes that I've grown to recognise only appears for me. "You truly will make a great queen," He kneeled down looking up at me with love, "And just know, that queen or not, I will follow you anywhere, to death and beyond."

I sunk to my knees next to him, feeling the pure love for him course through my veins. "And just know that no matter what they say, I will follow you to death and beyond also."

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