Chapter 27: Battle Scars

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Posting this a day early because I'm leaving my laptop at home while I go away for the long weekend. Also, this is the second to last chapter! I'm sure you have a lot to say ;) So comment what you think!

As always, read, enjoy, vote and comment!

Chapter 27: Battle Scars

  We marched. The entire army behind me, weapons at the ready. Beside me were the other leaders and my guards, all ready for the battle.

  I was afraid, my knuckles were white and I was almost positive that I was shaking in my silver armour, but I would not budge. Today we were going to end this war.

  Finally we reached the barren landscape known as Alder's Meadow. The minute I saw it I flashed back to my memory of it, and for a moment I thought that it was snowing. On the other side of it stood Thaleam, flanked by his own army, all wearing vicious glares. My hands tightened on my sword.

  Next to Thaleam stood Altain and as I looked at him, he gave me a slight nod. Nothing would stop us now.

  "Are you afraid, Princess!?" Thaleam yelled over to us, accompanied by his twisted laugh.

  I tightened my grip even further and slowly raised my sword above my head. "ATTACK!"


  We all surged forward at the same time. Picture a large tsunami wave and you have what both sides of the battle field looked like. Large battle cries pierced the air as well as large booms of rocks crushing fey by the tens.

  It was so chaotic; I didn't even know when we met the enemy until suddenly there were strange creatures trying to kill me. I ducked a large black twig creature as it snarled at me, and then I swung my sword up in an arc, slicing through something. The creature let out a blood curdling howl as it fell.

  I had no time to inspect it as a female fey appeared in front of me, growling and dripping black ooze. She snarled and showed two rows of very sharp teeth that were stained blood red. I gulped, and that was enough to send her upon me, snarling and snapping. I only just managed to side step her, but she still managed to slice a thin line across my cheek from an unseen knife. I quickly spun and used the momentum to put a huge gash in her stomach, but it didn't slow her down.

  She launched herself on top of me and her weight was enough to throw me to the ground with her grinning happily on top. Her two hands covered in black ooze wrapped around my neck as she hissed, "I've never had a Halfling before, let alone a royal one." It sent chills throughout my body as I slowly started to lose oxygen.

  I grappled around for the sword that I dropped as she continued to squeeze. Slowly the edges of my vision blurred and it became harder and harder to avoid falling into the blackness. She started leaning in, her lips parting to show her razor sharp teeth in great detail. I was slowly drifting away.

  Then I found it. I grasped it and swung up. She immediately let me go with a hiss and then I was on top of her, driving my sword through her. She died with a screech and a gargle.

  I gasped in air quickly as I looked around for my people. It was impossible to tell where I was, or who was around me. Faeries all around me were screaming in agony or triumph or were busy bludgeoning another to death. There was no one that I recognised and fear gripped at me. They must be still alive; they can't just die on me.

  I slowly stood up as the war raged on around me as I searched for somebody, anybody that I recognised. In the distance I saw Thaleam killing faery after faery, whether they were ours or not, he struck them down instantly. Fear gripped me further, but I had to end this.

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