Chapter 28: Peace At Last

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So... I realised that today was Friday. I also realised that while looking to see what chapter I was up to... This is the last chapter...

It's nearly 10pm, my eyelids are heavy, I'm at the point where I'm giggling over Thunderbirds Are Go, but I'm going to take a moment to thank a few people.

I wish to thank the two people who have commented on nearly every single chapter (I'm disappoint guys) and that's Cassandra and Monica! Thank you so much, you're what's keeping me writing.

I also wish to thank all of my readers, because you are also what's making me want to improve and keep writing. Thank you.

Of course, I should really thank all of those people out there who I jabbered on about WNAMO to when I know they didn't really care, but thank you for letting me talk anyway.

Next week I'm posting a short one-shot spin-off and then we'll see what happens after that.

As always read, enjoy, vote and comment. Until next time ;)

Chapter 28: Peace At Last

  It's been a week since the war finally ended. The kingdoms are at peace and Altain was happily pronounced king of the Dark Court; no one objected. Kieran took Kila back to the Summer Court and Alexia promised me that we would all have a meeting again soon to discuss matters as she left for her own court with Jude by her side.

  Desmond was fine, Caterine now had a permanent limp, and all of my other friends were fine besides a few minor scrapes and bruises, except for Rodan who was missing another antler again.

  When we got back to the Light Court everyone rejoiced and I got hugs from the four who had stayed behind. The kingdom danced and celebrated for three days and four nights, but eventually it all simmered down and the Woodland fey returned to their home, Laurel and her people said goodbye and I wished Reigner good luck as she and the Deer Fey left with smiles, wishful farewells and the cheery Gold Leaf Elves.

  I was left to my own devices after that, I made Dalsa and Desmond visit family, I sent Caterine off to enjoy time with her newfound lover, and I even made Relania go and visit her family. I was alone, and gladly so, not that they didn't come back almost immediately after a very quick visit.

  I didn't let anyone fix up my wounds that day, I insisted upon it myself, old habits die hard. I stitched my side by myself, with a bottle of strong whiskey Regina bought for me from the human world. It was slowly healing, but it still hurt every time I moved.

  Regina insisted on staying, she even threatened to drink our wine, but I got her a lovely room overlooking the garden and she's been happily knitting there ever since. A few fey venture into the human world to bring back food for Regina and any other thing we ask for, like wool in Regina's case and the crystals hanging along my window sill in my case.

  Lulu refused to leave my side no matter what, so I appointed her my head guard; Rex had fallen in the war. Caterine had happily accepted her into the meetings and Desmond may have disagreed a little, but in the end he saw our point of why Lulu was better for the job than he was.

  I sighed as I walked passed the roses in the garden for the fifth time. I was walking around and around trying to figure out what to do next. The entire time I had been in this realm I had a purpose: to survive and win the war. Now, nothing was a threat to me anymore and the war was well over. I had no idea what to do now.

What Nightmares Are Made OfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora