Chapter 21: All Hail The Queen

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It was a toss up on who to dedicate this chapter to, but I've settled for dedicating it to Cassandra who enjoyed her time in Japan and made it home safely. I can't wait to see her next (mainly because she got me a present! But I also want to hear the story) and I hope she and the rest of you enjoy this chapter.

There are many more to come! And I've actually planned it all now, all I have to do is write, and rewrite the last chapter I just wrote... You don't wanna know. Anyway, read, enjoy, vote and comment!

Chapter 21: All Hail The Queen

I was well enough to walk about, with three guards and Caterine of course, and not to mention the vast amounts of fabric to keep me warm, compliments from Alexia. I walked around for a little while, just exercising my legs after three days of rest. I was still a little dizzy, and saw shimmering in random places where there wasn't supposed to be shimmering, but I was still well enough to be out and about.

After about 15 minutes I was almost out of breath, but I was saved as two guards walked up to us.

"We found her," Was all they said, but we knew what they meant.

We quickened our pace, and with a guard steadying me, we walked to the throne room to face Abigail and accuse her of treason. It was a risky move, but I was hoping that she'd confess, she's always been a little secretive.

When we arrived the leaders of the Gold Leaf Army were waiting with Queen Alexia, Kila, and the head of the Light Court Guard, Rex. Abigail was there too, she was on her knees, grinning wickedly.

I was led to the throne, the guards fanning out, but Caterine stayed close.

"You dare to defy our queen?" Caterine said to Abigail, her voice booming with hatred.

"You dare defy the true rulers of our realm?" Abigail replied grinning wider. Her face took on a sick and twisted form, reminding me of the Dark fey that I saw roaming the halls of the Dark Court.

"What were you promised?" I interrupted Caterine from biting her head off, I knew how these fey worked; you just had to ask the right questions.

She grinned in satisfaction. "You've been around us long enough to know what to ask. As for my answer, I was to be King Thaleam's queen when he took over all of the kingdoms."

I slowly sunk to my knees to see her eye to eye. "And how was he going to do that?"

"Oh sweetie, if he takes you out, the other kingdoms don't stand a chance."

"And what makes you think that he'll take me out? The poison you gave me was supposed to kill me, wasn't it?"

"It was," She admitted, "But the alchemists here are too good for my pleasure," She glared at the people behind me, pure hatred showing.

It was my turn to grin. She narrowed her eyes at me. "There was nothing that they could give me, it should've killed me. But it didn't, because I can't be killed that easily. Thaleam had only one chance to kill me, and that was years ago, now he has no chance, and I will take him down, bringing peace to the realms. You picked the wrong side," I stood up and looked down at her like she was a bug to be squashed; she glared up at me with hatred only twisted souls could conjure. "Execute her."

I walked out of the room as she was dragged away screaming profanities.

She was executed shortly after, in front of a large crowd that hollered in delight as her head rolled, but I refused to be there. I stayed in my room instead, pulling the blankets closer to me as I listened to the crowd, shivering although I wasn't cold.

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