Two| Number Exchange

Start from the beginning

I sighed, looking at the ticking clock above the teachers head. I didn't even see Alec at lunch today. Could he have gotten suspended? How could he stand up to a teacher like that?! He can't do that! But of course typical Alec. He was nothing but a smug, ignorant jerk who only thinks of himself!

I fumed and on cue the bell rang. I quickly gathered my things and silently left the room.

Suddenly a hand slid around my shoulder making me jump.

"Easy there, sweetheart, it's just me." I looked up to find a tall skinny male grinning beside.

"O-oh. You scared me." I muttered, a weak smile plastered on my lips. He smirked, stopping us. I turned to fully look at him.

"I heard about Alec. I heard about fifth period. I heard about the near 'incident'." Kyle smirked, with an amused look on his face. Ugh, all boys were the same. I frowned. Emily and Riley must've told him. I took in a small breath and shrugged.

"Nothing happened." I flushed, gripping the strap on my bag. Kyle raised a brow and opened his mouth. Did I just lie to one of my best friends? No. Technically nothing happened. He just... stroked my cheek, nearly kissed me and almost killed a teacher so, no, nothing happened. (Note my sarcasm)

My cheeks burned up at just the memory.

"Oh? No? Well then I guess you feel nothing for him. That's why your not wearing the same necklace he gave you in the first grade." Kyle remarked with a hearty laugh. My cheeks still on fire I glared up at Kyle, standing on my toes.

"It's just gift, I still have most of the things you gave me in the third grade. Like that candy bracelet." I pointed out.

"Whatev–.. Wait, ew, why do you still have that?" Kyle said with a disgusted look. I shrugged.

"Anyways, this is different–.."

"Kyle, I need to go. I have to get to the Library." I frowned, starting to walk off with him following my trail.

"Fine. But we need to talk about this later. Bye, sweetheart. Text me." Kyle winked, opening the door of the school entrance before quickly walking off the opposite direction I was going.

I stood by the door, holding it.

I didn't lie. I really had to get the library but not at the moment. I just didn't want to talk about Alec. I didn't want anything to do with him. He's caused me my childhood he can't take away my teenage years. Sure, I felt something for him during class but that still didn't mean it was real emotions.

It could be anything I'm going through.

I shook my head and began to walk out.

I didn't even take five steps before slipping on something mushy on the floor and fell back. A strong swift hand caught my waist. I gasped at the shock that was sent throughout my body. I looked up at the person who saved me and once I did I pushed myself away from him.


"You okay, kitten?" He asked concerned, his eyes examining me. I huffed, dusting myself off.

"I'm fine." I grumbled, turning away to walk off. At least I tried too until he caught my wrist, pulling me back.

Strong hands slid around my waist and folded on my stomach. My back pressed against his chest as he dug his nose in my neck.

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