Fourth Wall Breaks

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Alexai's POV

I had sent out the message to everyone to meet me and Preston here at the main stage. I think I may have figured out how to break it. But there was no way I could do it on my own. I waited alongside Preston as he started to get antsy.I knew he was worried about everyone as well but I don't think he understand why I needed him.

Preston: "Are you ok Alex?"

Alex: "Yeah I'm fine. Just nervous. I think I have an idea. That may help. I'm not sure."

Preston: "What's going through your pretty little head?"

As I heard him speak those words. I couldn't help but flinch a little. I knew he noticed but if he did. Well he didn't react to it. Do I still like him. Or am I just being delusional?

Alex: "If there even is one. We could pin point a weak spot in the wall and break it. Kind of like a house on the outside. Take down the foundations and the rest will crumble."

Preston: "You surprise me every day you know that?"

Alex: "I'd want to hope so. Otherwise what good would I be?"

Preston: "Everyone here uses Magic. No one cares to think about anything else. Why do something physically when you can just wave your hand around and wow it's all done."

No one thinks like a normal person because they all use Magic. Those words stuck with me.Resonating within me like it was the key to safety.

Preston: "Your thinking.You always think when your eyebrows furrow. What's going on?"

Alex: "You just said that no one does anything physically because they can use Magic right?"

Preston: "Yeah."

Alex: "What if the answer to breaking a Magical wall has been staring at us the whole damn time."

My brain started working.I scoured the area for anything to do with the barrier in front of us. This thing. God I can't wait for it to be destroyed. Even I'm getting pissed off with the fact that a sealed magic barrier has been my focus for the past few days. (That's not a lie I keep writing new ideas and then this happens and I'm like for fuck sake Alex just destroy the damn wall. Then I have to remember I'm writing it so...)

Preston: "So take out the foundations and the barrier will crumble? Is that what your getting at?"

Alex: "Yeah. This would be a lot easier if we had someone that could control the Earth side of elements."

Preston: "Why?"

Alex: "I'd connect with him and bury this fucking place. Can't destroy a barrier that is no longer there."

Preston: "Genius but I doubt someone out there is going to help 20 students who are not from around here."

Alex: "I have my ways."

Where is everyone I sent out the message like 10 minutes ago. I had moved Preston and myself from the main stage up into the grand stands and decided to just wait up there. If this plan was going to work. I'm about to get into a lot more trouble then I originally intended. But the wall will go. And I will have protected Vikk, Shu, Lachlan and Harry.

Simon: "Not everyone came but what's so important?"

I turned around to only see a few of my friends. Simon stood there looking a bit worried.While Shu, Roza, and Maura just looked excited. Mitch and Rosie looked worried as if questioning why they came. Though I wasn't surprised to see Vikk, Josh and Lachlan.

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