Childhood Lovers

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Rosie's POV

I had waited for the boys to come home from their class. I don't understand how the classes can run for an hour and a half. That's so weird to me.

Vikk: "Are you ok?"

Rosie: "Yeah. I'm fine. Just trying to wrap my head around the time schedule in this place. It's weird."

Vikk: "Compared to back home. It is pretty strange. Seeing as we were use to 1 hour classes."

I felt him reach his hand over my own. We were seated down stairs in the lounge room. With our feet extended out in front of us. We had been trying to organise to get the funds into our house account. It wasn't all that hard I guess. We just needed to talk to the Administration department. And I didn't really want to do it. But I know Vikk and the boys would go nuts if they couldn't do their videos for any longer.

Vikk: "Come on. If we leave now. We can go and see them and get it organised and swapped over within the hour."

Rosie: "Ok fine."

Vikk: "You know what the boys are like."

Rosie: "Yeah I know. I never would have pinned you as the gaming type."

Vikk: "You have been saying that to me for a while now."

Rosie: "And I never get bored of it."

He slowly reached his hand over and grabbed my own. Giving it a light squeeze. We had known each other for years. Long before Vikk met these boys. We met while still in Primary school. The only reason he talked to me was because he didn't have anything to eat. So I let him have my sandwich. I didn't really want it anyway. It was cute now that I look back on it. We became close friends really quickly after that. It was lucky that neither of us had moved all throughout our child hood. I don't know If I would ever see him again if he did leave. We were the only friend we had at the time. When we both attended High school. He had changed and became quite depressed. He was picked on a lot. Mainly for the fact he wasn't white. And when your in Britain that's kind of a big deal. Even my parents never approved of our friendship. Saying I needed to be friends with someone like me. I never understood what they meant by that until I understood what racism was. That made us closer. He never left my side. And I vowed to never leave his. He always had his head in a book though.

Vikk: "Do you remember the first time we met?"

Rosie: "I was just thinking about it. I gave you my sandwich because you had no food."

Vikk: "Guess what?"

Rosie: "What?"

Vikk: "That's not the first time we met. You must have been too young to remember. But I never forget. I'm surprised you remember that far back."

Rosie: "You can't do that to me smart ass."

I slapped his shoulder lightly causing him to chuckle slightly. He was so perfect to me. A perfect contrast to who I was. A bit of a day dreamer and a gullible person. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. And I love being that person that anyone can approach and talk to. I always want to be there to help people. No matter what. Vikk was the opposite of me. Yet he was still so amazing. A rational and science driven young man. He was so thin and frail. I doubt he ever ate due to him being stuck in a book every damn second.

Vikk: "We both met at a park when we were about 4. You were sitting down and you weren't playing with anyone. So I asked if you wanted to play with me and we stayed there for about an hour before you had to leave. Then when we met again at school. It was like you didn't remember me. But I remembered everything. And you made me so happy that I got to see my new friend again."

Magus Verbosus (TBNRFrags)Where stories live. Discover now