False Hope?

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Maura's POV

I followed Alex when he walked out the door outside.

Harry: "Where are you going?"

Alex: "Away from Preston."

Josh: "Why though?"

Maura: "Alex turn around and look at us."

I watched as he turned on his heels and faced us. He looked absolutely furious.

Josh: "Calm down and talk to us."

Alex: "Did you see that thing? You weren't there when he was yelling at me. He didn't listen to me. He thought I was trying to get with someone else. He isn't being himself. Accusations and he tried. To."

Josh: "Tried to what?Alex you can't cut yourself off randomly and expect us to just pick it up without a second thought."

Alex: "He tried to force himself onto me. I pushed him away before he got too far but he wouldn't even talk to me after I asked why he did it. I was so uncomfortable. I know it's silly because he didn't actually do anything. But I felt out of place and I had no say."

Harry looked really upset for him. And Josh just looked a bit angry.

Josh: "I'll kill him.

Harry: "You can't. Alex nothing actually happened which is a good thing for you. But I understand why you want to stay away from him."

I pulled out my phone and opened up my messages to see one from Ellie.

Maura: "Ellie said that Preston headed back home with the rest of the boys. Roza went with them. She wants to know where we are to come meet us. Rosie and Peyton are coming too."

Alex: "No. I just want to be alone."

Harry: "Are you sure?"

Alex nodded his head. I looked towards Josh but he just nodded away from themselves. I grabbed Harry's hand and started to walk off.

Harry: "Why is Josh waiting behind?"

Maura: "To make sure he is ok. I wouldn't feel right if he was left along by himself but what are we going to do? We wouldn't know how he felt or what is going through his head. Josh has the best chance to get him to talk. We already half know what we need to do. We should get everyone else and try that wall again."

Harry: "Oh. Ok sure I guess. It makes sense."

For a few minutes we walked together In silence until we stopped out the front of the house. The door opened to show Rob and JJ standing there.

Rob: "Where's Josh and Alex?"

Harry: "Josh stayed behind with him. I don't know. Maura he would be the most sympathetic."

Rob: "Actually..."

Maura: "Sympathetic not Empathetic. We both know there is a big difference between the two."

JJ: "Well Lachlan and Preston have walked off. Neither have answered their phones. Though I guess that doesn't really surprise me. The two just lost the people they like."

Rob: "Would you technically class them as together. I mean granted I think Preston and Alex were a thing but I can't get the words from Klione out of my head. False love right. And Preston denied it. Hard."

Harry: "I would too though. If I found out that someone I really liked wasn't the person I was supposed to be with. I'd fight for them. So hard."

Maura: "So would I but at the same time though it would be pretty hard to live with it. I couldn't imagine what he is going through. All we can do is wait for the boys to get home and hope it isn't awkward."

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