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Alright I'm not use to writing these little note things. In fact. When reading a story.Regardless of whether it's good or bad I don't like to read them and tend to skip it. Personally it breaks the flow so I apologise profusely for this. But I have a LOT of ideas for this story going on in my head.

I don't plan any of this pre writing. I wing all of it except for one thing and that was everyone's abilities. That's literally the only thing I planned in this story. But that's where I need a little help.

I have some questions for anyone reading this.

1. The Match ups are getting close. Really close. Like next few chapters close. But it's up to you. Would you like me to write a chapter involving the planning from Alex and the safe students on who should be paired up and know who is going against who before hand? Or would you like to be surprised by who I come up with. And no. None of them are predictable. But I would like to ask if you want me to type up who the pairings are. Or would you like to be surprised when the matches are happening?

2. Yeah I know. Mitch and Preston. I didn't even think of that until I needed to give a reason for Mitch to create a shield around a person. Don't ask what I was thinking. In my head it was going to be Alexai and Preston from the start till the end but yeah. Seeing as it's a possibility for any character aside from Alex, Maura, Vikk, Harry, Lachlan, Josh and Shu could leave. Do you want me to dabble in a romantic element for characters even though anyone could leave at any point. I only ask because I know I'm surprising myself. So do you want me to write randomly and sporadically like I usually do. Or focus on the actual plot for now which at the moment is the Match ups. Or do you want that sub plot and element evident and hold an attachment to each character?

3. This ties into Question 2. But I don't know what I was thinking with Harry and Josh with Alex. Harry helping him sleep. Josh being a comfort and helping him. Who do you want to see Alex be with. Or do you want him to go for neither and wait for a new batch of characters for book 2 of this?

4. Whoops cat's out of the bag. Book 2 will be a thing. But I would like to ask suggestions. I already have two people I want to add in book 2. But Who would you like to suggest. Personally a friend of either the pack or Sidemen would be best as I know more about gamers then Vloggers or comedians or Musicians etc. These include guys like Choco, Pete, Nooch, Calboys. Or even real life partners like Paige (Preston), Freya (Josh) Etc. (A musician who's abilities are close to that of a Mythological Siren... I think I just added a singer to the next batch of students.)

Ooo Italics look so pretty and formal.

Again I apologise again as I know not a lot of people like these update note things. But right now. My head splits in two ways to continue writing and I want to bring in fans of the characters into the story more. Thank you all for making me so happy and almost cry I kid you not with every read or the star thing or anything. I just hope you guys love reading the world I love to create.

Magus Verbosus (TBNRFrags)Where stories live. Discover now