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Alexai's POV

New school. New life. That's what I had to keep telling myself. Yet this place seemed just like every other school. Only thing is. Normal. Isn't even a word uttered in this place. I had been sent here by my parents. Alone. They told me it was going to be the best experience of my life. That I would be stupid to not jump at this chance. I didn't even completely understand what was going on. But seeing as I got off the plane about two hours ago. I didn't know anyone here. I always planned to visit America in my life. On the plus side. I got to come here. The bad part. I didn't know anyone. And I'm standing out the front of some random school. At 8 in the morning. I'm so glad I slept on the plane. I picked up my bags and made my way through the gates. This place was massive as well. People were walking around keeping to themselves. I didn't really want to bring attention to myself. I'm not American. And I was told this was exclusively for them. Though this year they opened the gates to international students who had shown more then enough promise to be sponsored. To fly over and study here at the school. I was one of only two Australians that got to come over. I didn't see anyone else on the trip here though. It was a private Jet. I wonder how much this place is worth?

"Hey are you lost?"

I turned around and saw a young man standing next to me. I was too busy being a little intimidated by the place to take notice of his features.

"My name's Robert. Though everyone calls me Rob. I've been here for a few years now. So I know when someone is new."

He smiled down at me and I knew he was trying to be nice and respectful. It was a breath of fresh air considering I had been pushed around to get ready to come over here within a day.


"Well Alexai It's a pleasure to meet you. Come on. I'll show you to Administration. I'm sure the Principal will want to meet you."

He picked up one of my bags and helped me lug it up the stairs towards the main building. It was so big in here. The place was magnificent. A wide open area with a domed Roof. A grand Chandelier hanging from the Roof. The light from the sun causing the crystals to shine and shimmer. It had a massive circular desk in the middle of the room. With many older people inside of it. The ground a polished Marble while the walls and pillars holding the roof looked rough. Yet stable. It was honestly. Beautiful to witness.

"Good morning Miss how are you?"

"Oh hello Robert I am quite well. Just waiting for the new students. You know how it can be. It's a surprise seeing what they can do."

"Your in luck. I just met Alexai here."

He moved to the side and gestured for me to step up. I was only half paying attention. I looked ahead of me and noticed the lady waiting.


"It's alright. It can be a little scary at first. But trust me. You are more then safe here. And you met probably the best person to help you out. Rob here helps us with each new student every year. You could say it's a side effect of his abilities. But I just like to think he is a normal. Kind young man."

I looked over at him as he smiled again. Abilities? Oh that's right. I totally forgot. On the plane over here I was handed a folder from the stewardess looking after me. Inside it had a tonne of information about the school. It helped me prepare a little bit I guess. Though it also made me really scared. I brought myself back to reality and stepped forward.

"Oh Rob I totally forgot. Can you please head over to Mr Bryne's office please. He requested your help once we found you. Sorry."

"It's fine. Hey Alexai. If you need me just call ok. Miss Jearny here will explain for you. Good luck."

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