Ego Booster

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Alexai's POV (Just a heads up. A good majority of this will be from Alexai's Pov. Only due to him being my character and a reflection of me. I understand him a lot better.)

I was actually starting to get excited. Though I questioned having us all in the same class. The blockers aside. We are so different. Preston wouldn't leave my side as we walked. He seemed really upset about it. I hope he's ok.

Rosie: "Hey Rob. What is the first class? I'm only asking because I know for a fact that if everyone here was in their given divisions. We would all be in a different field right?"

Rob: "Yeah you have that right. Like I said. Your all new to not only our education system here. But America in general. Your room mates will be able to help you out in some cases basically just getting around. Helping you get around. The Principal made it this way on purpose. Why. I don't know. But at the end of the day. You guys can make friends among each other."

JJ: "I was never good at school."

Rob: "Your ability goes hand in hand with your personality. Seems you hit the nail on the head with yours JJ. Always preferring to be physical and relying on your fists. Hopefully Maura can help you out in that department."

Maura: "I'm still trying to figure out how the hell I got put with beef head here."

JJ: "I'm thinking the same thing rain drop."

Maura: "I would highly recommend you do not call me that. You know my name. Use it."

Preston: "Hey come on guys. Breathe. It won't take long before we are all blocked anyway. Then your magic is useless while in class."

Lachlan: "I don't get why they block it. Wouldn't they want us to learn more about this stuff?"

As he said it he created another perfect flake in his hands. He always looked so proud of himself when he did it. I guess he took a lot of pride in what he could do. I wouldn't mind knowing what exactly he could do with the ice. Bryne said No one can change the density and state of water, Ice and Air. I wonder if I could help in that department?

Preston: "Your thinking about something aren't you?"

Alexai: "Yeah. Sorry is it that noticeable?"

Jerome: "Your eyes furrow slightly and you look angry. You were doing it earlier today when you arrived."

Rob: "Come on guys room is just up here. We are a little early so grab a seat. Either next to someone you trust, Someone you want to get to know, Or your partner."

Preston grabbed my hand quickly. He didn't look up from the ground as we made our way inside.

Alexai: "Do you want to sit with anyone? Or away?"

Preston: "I won't have a choice anyway will I?"

Alexai: "I'm only asking so you feel comfortable. You seem like your about to run out of here at any moment."

Preston: "I just don't want to be here. Well that's a complete lie obviously I want to be here. I just don't know any of these guys except for Rob. I told you that already."

Decision made. I looked over at Rob and Lachlan and nodded slightly. They both nodded in understanding. So I moved towards the back of the room with the three boys next to me. It was a large room. And even though they're eighteen students in our house. There was still a few empty chairs.

Lachlan: "So Rob. What class is this one?"

Rob: "Non-Physical. While Simon asked why they block everyone's magic. It's mainly because most classes are theoretical. While other's, Namely PEAFA or Physical Education and First Aid, Allow the use of your magic while still at a much reduced rate."

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