The Final Battle

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(Spider-Man stands in awe at the size of Mysterio and starts to try to tie up his legs like what he did to Ant Man in "Civil War")

SPIDER-MAN: (sighs) "This seems easy enough-"

(Mysterio swats him like a fly, revealing that he moves at a normal rate. Spider-Man's suit is starting to get tattered)

SPIDER-MAN: "What do I do?" (Mysterio swats at him again, however, Spider-Man jumps, slings a web, and kicks Mysterio's head. However, he isn't that much affected by it.)

MYSTERIO: "Can't you see? Your fears are far too large for you to overcome."

(Spider-Man is swinging around when Mysterio hits him again, knocking him into a beam supporting the building, which causes part of the building to crumble)

SPIDER-MAN: (slowly getting up) "How do I beat someone who is 50 times bigger than me and just as fast?" (Looks at rubble coming down and has an idea)

MYSTERIO: "Here's Johnny!"

(He tries to crush Spider-Man with his fist, but barely misses. He swings by another support beam and stands in front of it)

SPIDER-MAN: "Come on! Let's see that million-dollar punch!"

(Mysterio angrily punches in the direction, but misses, hitting the support beam. Spider-Man flips out of the way and sees the other 2 support beams.)

SPIDER-MAN: (to himself) "2 more to go...God this better work." (He utters as he acknowledges his wounded arm. He then shouts to Mysterio) "Wow, your brain definitely did not grow in size!"

MYSTERIO: (angrily) "Shut up!" (Swipes at Spider-Man, who is swinging until he hits the 3rd support beam. The building is starting to look like it's going to collapse.)

SPIDER-MAN: "Now let's bury this sucker."

(Spider-Man then web zips up above the building--there is no ceiling--, which Mysterio just missed grabbing by a couple inches. Spider-Man, in an acrobatic way, dives down and kicks Mysterio in the head. Mysterio falls in the direction of the last support beam, causing the building to fully collapse on him. Spider-Man jumps away from the destruction. It cuts to Mysterio's helmet and zooms out to see that it's the real world Mysterio, who suddenly gets blasted by Iron Man. Iron Man quickly goes to Spider-Man, who is laying on the ground.)

IRON MAN: Hey kid...come on, wake up! Bad guy is getting away!"

(Then Spider-Man wakes up, disgruntled)

SPIDER-MAN: (punching the air in fear) "Ah giant guy!"

IRON MAN: (stares confused) "You alright?"

SPIDER-MAN: (gets up) "Yeah, I've just had a rough day."

IRON MAN: "Come on, you've got somewhere to be...but before that..." (Points up to the sky to show Chameleon getting into a Quinjet type of aircraft) "I'll let you get this one."

(Spider-Man nods, Ironman flies up while Spider-Man web zips up, using Iron Man as a guide/area for him to shoot his webs. Then we cut to the Chameleon inside the Quinjet)

CHAMELEON: "I have done it! I have defeated Iron Man and-" (Spider-Man sticks onto the jet's windshield) "Oh no..."

(Cut to the Quinjet exploding in mid-air while Spider-Man, who is holding the Chameleon, drops down in a parachute made from webs. Iron Man drops down right in front of them. Maria Hill along with a bunch of SHIELD agents instantly take in Mysterio and the Chameleon. Maria Hill approaches Iron Man and Spider-Man)

MARIA HILL: "We really appreciate your hard work to bring down these two."

IRON MAN: "It was really no problem, hey where's the eye-patched pirate?"

MARIA HILL: "I was talking to...Spider-Man, is it?"

SPIDER-MAN: "Yes ma'am."

MARIA HILL: (to Iron Man) "You're getting old, Tony." (Starts to walk away) "Pretty soon, you're gonna be out of a job." (She gets into the SHIELD jet and they fly away)

SPIDER-MAN: (checks watch) "Oh man, the dance is about to end. Mary Jane is probably so pissed...she gave me a chance and I let her down..."

(Spider-Man sits down, in defeat, on the ground. After a couple seconds of thinking, Iron Man has an idea.)

IRON MAN: "Hey kid, get your suit on."

SPIDER-MAN: (confused) "I already have it on."

IRON MAN: "Your other suit, I have an idea."

Spider-Man: Homecoming #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now