Spidey V. Mysterio Round 2

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(Chameleon disguised as truck driver walks through a building, enters the surveillance camera room. We see that there are guards knocked out in several rooms. He deactivated the cameras.)

CHAMELEON: (to headset) "Cameras are out, you are set to go."

(Cut to a large amount of troops entering the building from the front door and a number of troops swinging into the Oscorp building from another building. They start to take over when we see Spider-Man flying...only to see that Iron Man is just holding him while he flies)

SPIDER-MAN: "Not gonna lie, Mr. Stark, this is kinda embarrassing."

IRON MAN: "Well it's faster than swinging from building to building, Tarzan." (His suit picks up a bunch of hostiles in the Oscorp building) "I think this is your stop, ready?"

SPIDER-MAN: (confused) "Wait, are you gonna-"

IRON MAN: "Yeah!" (Let's go of Spider-Man)

(Spider-Man falls through the sky, then web-zips himself through the window where there are troops. He proceeds to beat them up; at one point, he takes a bunch of them, throws them through the window and makes a large web sack, holding them outside the window. Iron Man is impressed, then flies down to the floor Spider-Man is on)

IRON MAN: "Going down?"

SPIDER-MAN: (as he's fighting someone) "Wait, am I? Cause I feel like it's pretty busy over here."

IRON MAN: (sighs) "I gave you a chance at a really cool moment." (Blasts all troops in room in seconds, grabs Spider-Man and throws him out window) "2nd floor!"

SPIDER-MAN: (web swings himself into window again, where he finds a receptionist who is absolutely terrified) "Is it because of the window? I'm really sorry, but the front door wasn't open." (Starts to walk away) "But send the bill to Tony Stark's address!" (Yanks a troop with his web, punches him, and sticks him onto ceiling and walks out of room)

(Receptionist is still terrified and ducks back down below desk. Iron Man is scanning through building, looking for suspicious activity)

SPIDER-MAN: (speaking to mic, to Iron Man) "Anything Mr. Stark?"

IRON MAN: "Give me a sec..." (Finds the Chameleon mid-transformation) "You will find him in the conference room on the third floor. Need a lift?"

SPIDER-MAN: (looks up and sees a hole in the ceiling, straight to the conference room) "Nope, I think I got him." (Web zips himself through hole and finds a man in a suit holding a large case) "Hey buddy, I'm trying to find a super villain who can shapeshifte into other people, is that you?"

MAN: "No! Honest to God!"

IRON MAN: (Through Spidermans headset) "He's the guy."

(Spider-Man instantly webs his feet together and his hands to the wall, all while whistling the Darth Vader theme song)

SPIDER-MAN: (while nonchalantly walking towards case) "Star Wars, what a trilogy, right? And that new one that just came out was-"

IRON MAN: "Hey, are you done?"

SPIDER-MAN: "Oh yeah, sorry. I have the stuff, and I'm on my way..." (Turns around and sees Mysterio) "Wow! Love the upgrades! And the cape? Nice touch."

MYSTERIO: "You do not know when to shut up, do you?"

SPIDER-MAN: "No, really! Have you ever thought about a scarf?" (Swings and jumps to kick Mysterio, who disappears. Spidey looks for him) "Come out come out where ever you are!" (Tries to talk to Iron Man through headset, but all he gets is static)

(Suddenly Mysterio appears from behind him, taps his shoulder, emits a gas from his wriststhat knocks him out. Mysterio grabs him, and they both disappear. Close up on Spider-Man's face, who realizes that he is falling from the Oscorp tower. He spins a web on the nearest building, looks for the Oscorp building and sees a desolate landscape)

 He spins a web on the nearest building, looks for the Oscorp building and sees a desolate landscape)

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SPIDER-MAN: "Woah, what happened?" (To headset) "Mr. Stark, you there?" (Receives static)

(Spider-Man swings through empty city and sees graffiti on the wall saying "You have failed" and the Spider-Man logo crossed out. He is confused and shaken up. He proceeds to go to his apartment complex, only to find it destroyed. He quickly rushes inside)

SPIDER-MAN: "Aunt May? May!" (Starts to push aside rubble until he finds something: Aunt May's lifeless body. He breaks down, takes off his mask, and cries) "May? I'm sorry! First Ben and now you! It's all my fault..."

(Cut to a wide shot of the city, where we see a man on a glider with a frightening laugh fly into the city. He finds Spider-Man)

MAN ON GLIDER: "Ah Spider-Man! You let them take everything from me! Now I will take everything from you!"

(He throws a pumpkin-shaped bomb that explodes in front of his face. Cuts to black right when it explodes.)


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