The Chameleon

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(Quentin is sitting still with a calm facial expression in an investigation room, similar to the one in "The Town". After a couple seconds of stillness, a detective walks in and circles him as he talks)

DETECTIVE: (in a friendly manner)"Quentin Beck, right? That is quite the suit you've created. How'd you get it?" (Quentin remains silent) "Come on buddy, I can only get you outta here if you work with me."

QUENTIN: "The Battle in New York. I found several pieces of tech and tinkered with it."

DETECTIVE: "But why teleporting?"

QUENTIN: "Because, detective, it is one of the most complex effects you will see in a movie."

DETECTIVE: (sits down, intrigued) "How so?"

QUENTIN: "The details, the fear and...mystery you leave with the audience and the people in the room. And how do you do it? Do you leave a puff of smoke and run away? Do you pause the shot and run away? Or do you simply use special effects?" (Scoffs) "Many effects have come and go, but tell me, what do you say about a man who can disappear in a snap of a finger?"

DETECTIVE: (grins) "Well I'm a pretty good hider as well. (Camera goes to the surveillance tape room, where we see the supervisor knocked out.) "So tell me, why do all this? Why use your talents for this so-called villainy?"

QUENTIN: "If I can't work on films, why not make real life one?"

DETECTIVE: "Why not be the hero?"

QUENTIN: "Because, detective..." (Looks up at Detective) "...the villains are always the best roles."

DETECTIVE: (content with what he's heard) "Well today's your lucky day..." (Takes out gun and points it at Quentin) "...and please, try to run quickly."


(A police officer walks in, shouting to not shoot him. Detective turns and shoots the police officer)

QUENTIN: (confused) "Wait, what?"

DETECTIVE: (flips table and uses it as a cover) "Duck, run, shoot, do something! Throw me a bone here!"

(Quentin gets gun from dead officer and starts shooting)

DETECTIVE: "You call that shooting?"

QUENTIN: "Well on set, we usually just fire blanks, so aim isn't really a concern!"


(Quentin passes him the gun. Detective grabs Quentin and holds a gun to his head.)

DETECTIVE: "Don't move or else I'll shoot!"

After a couple seconds of tension, Detective shoots the 6 officers standing. Quentin runs to evidence room, where his costume is. He sees it, but an officer jumps him; however Quentin easily dismantles him and slams his head on the table. Suddenly, detective comes running through)

DETECTIVE: "Quentin! They're coming! Get us out of here!"

(Camera pans over to find a SEAT team prepping a minigun, pans back to Quentin putting on his suit. Suddenly there's a hell rain of gun fire from the minigun, they both duck in the nick of time)

QUENTIN: "Alright, give me a second." (Presses a button on his wrist)

(Camera pans back over to the SWAT team, who runs to Quentin and the detectives spot only to find that they have disappeared.)

(Camera pans through wall to outside of jail, where Quentin and the detective enter a giant van.)


(Quentin takes off mask, sits down)

QUENTIN: (confused) "Where are we going?"

DETECTIVE: "Well your suit looks like it needs an upgrade."

QUENTIN: (looks at his gear, then looks back at detective) "Who are you, I mean really?"

DETECTIVE: (with his back towards Quentin) "Well I can be anyone. I can be the President, I can be Captain America, I can be your accountant. But..." (Turns around to reveal a pale, rounded face with no visible features) "I like to go as the Chameleon." (Smirks)

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