Bank Robbery on 67th Street

547 33 18

(Close in on a bank, with hostages all crouched down while 7 men with ski masks hold guns, keeping the situation in their control)

GUNMAN 1: "Alright! As long as no one moves or does anything they will regret, we won't have to bring in the boss."

HOSTAGE: "Well, who's your boss?"

GUNMAN 1: (jokingly) "Well, you could say he's a bit of a..." (Thinks of the right word, but smirks) "...mystery."

GUNMAN #2: (to gunman #1)"Hey, you don't think Iron Man is gonna come in right?"

GUNMAN 3: "Nah, did you hear that the Avengers had some kinda breakup?"

GUNMAN 1: "Guys, we have nothing to worry about."

SPIDER-MAN: (offscreen) "Yoo-hoo, fellas! I'm a little new to this whole superhero thing! Can you guys promise to go a little easy on me?"

(Spider-Man jumps in through roof window and spins a web, yanking a gun away from someone and knocking out another gunman. Spider-Man does a superhero landing)

SPIDER-MAN: (Stretches out neck) "I knew I should've stretched before doing that!" (Gunman shoots at him, but he dodges it) "Hey buddy, can you shoot? I was standing still and everything!"

(Spider-Man web zips and torpedo kicks the gunman who shot at him and webs himself up to the roof, the 5 conscious gunmen see him on the ceiling)

GUNMAN #2: "Aww, I guess the little Spidey doesn't wanna come and play!"

GUNMAN #3: "Is he a little scared of guns?"

SPIDER-MAN: (still on ceiling) "No, I'm just taking in the view, but when you gotta go to work..." (shoots a web at a gunman, sticking him to the wall) " gotta go to work." (To other gunman) "Hey, I have someone to introduce you to!"

(Spider-Man jumps, flips and yanks two of the gunman together, hitting them against each other. Spider-Man lands, looks at the two fallen gunman and scratches the back of his head)

SPIDER-MAN: "Hm, I guess they really hit it off."

(Runs towards one gunmen, who is repeatedly shooting at Spider-Man. Spider-Man is dodging the bullets using different acrobatic maneuvers until he's right in front of the gunman, he aims the gun at Spider-Man's face and pulls the trigger, there is no ammo)

SPIDER-MAN: "Oh, looks like someone forgot to count, have you watched any movie where a guy has a gun? Like ever?"

(He picks up gunman and shoots a web cluster, sticking him on the wall, he turns around to find gunman #1 with a gun held to a little boy's face)

SPIDER-MAN: (slowly walking towards gunman) "Woah man, let's just take it easy."

GUNMAN #1: "I swear to god, I'll shoot him if you step any closer..." (To gunman #3, who just regained consciousness) "hey Maurice, call him in."

GUNMAN 3: (takes out cellphone) "Mysterio, we sure could use some help right now..."

(Spider-Man continues to slowly walk towards boy, camera switches to Spider-Man's POV while FRIDAY analyzes environment until it finds a sack of heavy coins while the two gunman talk)

SPIDER-MAN: (whispering) "Hey kid, on 3..." (Makes a ducking motion, little boy nods) "Hey look! It's Iron Man!"

(He points in opposite direction, gunmen both look away. Spider-Man web-yanks the sack of money, knocking the gunman with the boy unconscious. He also shoots a web at the other gunman. The little boy runs away.)

SPIDER-MAN: (to crowd, in a nonchalant way) "Hey everyone, how are you guys doing today?" (Taps webshooters, bringing a holographic clock) "Oh man, I better get going soon." (While he banters, we see a mysterious figure, from a low angle so we see his two boots slowly walking towards Spider-Man, like a horror movie character)

MYSTERIO: "Spider-Man. I've heard about you, but it's a pleasure to finally meet you."

SPIDER-MAN: "Oh hey man, same here. Sorry I'm gonna have to beat you up in front of all these lovely people!" (Turns around and points to TV cameras and reporters in area)

MYSTERIO: (chuckles) "We'll see about that."

(Spider-Man jumps to kick Mysterio, but he disappears and reappears behind him. Spider-Man turns around to see Mysterio with his palms faced outward, as if using the force. Each of them pause in anticipation, Mysterio looks at his gloves)

SPIDER-MAN: "Uh, was something supposed to come out from there?" (Kicks Mysterio in the head, knocking his helmet off) "I think you dropped something!" (Webs Mysterio's hands together and his feet to the ground) "Well this has been a fun date, but I gotta go!" (Looks to crowd and waves, then he web zips up through the hole in the roof that he enters from)

NEARBY REPORTER: "And that is the masked hero who goes by the name of Spider-Man, we have yet to see much of what he can do, however one thing is certain: he saved the day today. Here is actual footage of his fight with another costumed criminal known as Quentin Beck..."

(as she speaks, we zoom out to see that someone is watching this report on the TV in a dark room. Footage of Spider-Man and Mysterio's fight plays. We see the back of his bald head, then we see a close-up smirk, as if impressed by Mysterio. He then takes a gun from his table, gets up and walks out the door)

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