Suit Up

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(Cut to an empty hallway, then suddenly, a bell rings and the hallways flood with students, then Peter, Rebecca, Mitch, and Manuel meet in the middle, camera is following them as they walk outside to their lunch table)

MANUEL: "So was there actually a quiz?"

PETER: "Yeah, there was actually."

REBECCA: "Oh yeah Pete, I was wondering what you got for number 3?"

PETER: "Well I took the units and put them into Machiovelli's formula, which gave me 0.67 to the negative 6th power, then I-"

REBECCA: "Stop right there, that's where I got it wrong."

MITCH: (stops group) "Dammit, homecoming committee took our table!"

PETER: "Aw man, hey guys, let's just find a different table, I guess."

MANUEL: "Hey bro, a table is open, the table next to Mary Jane's table!"

(Everyone nudges Peter, making him blush, CAMERA DOES NOT SHOW MARY JANE)

PETER: (sarcastically) "Ha ha guys, very funny."

REBECCA: "Why don't you ask her out to homecoming?"

MANUEL: "Yeah dude, you know how I know a guy who knows a guy who used to cut this guy's hair, right? Well it turns out that his uncle's babysitter has a brother who can hook it up with the sickest roses ever bro!"

MITCH: "I get some positive vibes from her dude."

(Peter looks at all of them nervously, then sighs)

PETER: "Alright guys, I'll ask her."

(The 3 friends celebrate for a couple seconds, then they all stand awkwardly)

REBECCA: "Well are you gonna go?"

PETER: "Oh! You meant right now!

(Peter starts to walk towards her table, WE STILL CAN'T SEE MARY JANE, but as he walks, he feels his phone vibrating)

F.R.I.D.A.Y: "Bank robbery in progress, 67th and-"

PETER: (whispering to phone) "Shut up Friday!" (Looks back to friends) "Hey guys, I totally forgot I have a doctors appointment! I gotta go!"

(Peter runs off, they all look confused)

MITCH: "Hey Manuel, you think can get those roses tomorrow?"

MANUEL: "Yeah, I'll get him right now" (takes out phone)

(Cut to Peter running from school grounds until he finds an alleyway. He finds behind a dumpster, leaving his backpack, and takes off his clothes to reveal his costume. Close up on the Spider-Man symbol, pan up to his face as he puts on his mask and heroic music plays)

Spider-Man: Homecoming #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now