The Most Beautiful Girl in the World

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(We see Peter running, nervously, into the school grounds while constantly checking to see if his clothing is on correctly. He then smiles to himself, checks his phone and looks at a news report while walking)

NEWS REPORT: "Daily Bugle Report: "Spider Men-ace Bank Robbery Thwarted!"

(Peter shakes his head at the headline, but then he bumps into someone, knocking over her textbooks, Peter quickly drops down to pick up her books)

PETER: (looking down) "Hey, I'm sooo sorry, if you want, I can do your math homework..." (Stands up, looks up and's Mary Jane)

MARY JANE: (giggles, looking down at the ground) "Well judging that Ms. Henson gave us the most impossible homework..." (Looks up, illuminating Peter with her beautiful eyes) "...I might have just hit the jackpot." (Giggles again)

PETER: (whispers to himself) "Oh my god..." (Clears throat) "I mean, yeah it's no problem MJ, considering I just totally knocked you over."

MARY JANE: "Woah there tiger, you caught me by surprise, let's just say that I'll be on the look-out for you next time." (Flashes a smile at Peter as they walk through the halls)

PETER: "Oh, you're gonna be looking for me? That's..." (Walks into a homecoming poster someone threw) "Woah!" (Picks it off from his face)

MARY JANE: "You really have a knack for walking into things, don't you?"

PETER: "Well, I walked into you, so that's not exactly a bad thing."

(Mary Jane smiles and Peter gets all nervous, Mary Jane takes poster from Peter)

MARY JANE: "Homecoming..."

PETER: "What about it?"

MARY JANE: "I dunno, I haven't gone to one yet..."

PETER: (surprised) "What? You didn't go last year?"

MARY JANE: (shakes head) "My friends were trying to get me to go, just didn't feel right."

PETER: "What do you mean? You didn't have a date?"

MARY JANE: "Nope, a couple people asked but I just...wanted to wait for the right about you? You didn't go last year?"

(Peter flashes back to an encounter, in his old Spider-Man suit, where he had to stop a drunk driver from crashing into another car by webbing the driver's car. Then another encounter that same night, where he fought a couple of street criminals)

PETER: "Well, I was busy with...homework."

MARY JANE: (doesn't believe it) "Mhmm, suuuuuure. Well, anyways,  I was just thinking of going this year when you bumped into me."

PETER: (blushes nervously) "Well I heard the this year is supposed to be a pretty good one. Any people ask you out to homecoming yet?"

MARY JANE: "Not yet, but..." (Looks into Peter's eyes and smiles) "I'm feeling pretty good about this year."

(Bell rings)

PETER: (nervously) "Oh, well I gotta go. I'll uhhh, see you around!" (Starts to walk away)

MARY JANE: "Alright, but you know we have next class together, right? Algebra?"

PETER: (still nervously backing away) "Oh yeah, I just have to get something from my locker. But I'll meet you there!" (Bumps into someone) "Oh, my bad." (Walks away and waves awkwardly to her)

(Mary Jane looks on as he leaves and smiles to herself)

Spider-Man: Homecoming #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now