"We should go out?" I roll my eyes and start to walk.

"WAIT." She grabs my arm and pulls me back. "Listen, Craig, you and I are, like, the most popular kids in this school, right? If we were together imagine the power. We would be all over the year book as cutest couple and most likely to get married and all that. WE could be queen and king of this high school, Craig. We could rule over these losers!"

I pull my arm back. "I'm not interested." I tell her.

She sighs. "I didn't want to go here, but you forced my hand." I narrow my eyes at her. "Craig, people are talking."

"Talking about what?"

"YOU." She tells me and then looks around. The halls are clearing. "Craig, people are starting to think you're gay." She whispers.

"They what?"

"I know right? But, they are. They think you have a boyfriend. It's just a rumor though. That some nerd saw you kissing someone in your car and they thought it was a girl but when they got a better look it was a guy."

"That's... crazy."

"Yeah, so you HAVE to go out with me to show them it's not true."

I run my hand through my hair, taking off my hat. "I'll talk to you tomorrow, Sophia."

"Do whatcha gotta do, Craig. I'm just trying to help you." She started walking away but stopped. "Oh, and please, call me Sophie."

She leaves and I start to look for Tweek. I can't be worrying about this. I know what I said earlier but now that's it might be happening. I can't handle everyone knowing about me and Tweek yet. I can't, not now. I need to be ready. I have to do it. It's been two minutes and I can't find Tweek. I texted him and he didn't answer so I called him and I got no response. I started freaking out. What happen to Tweek? I got in my car and just before I pulled out of the school parking lot I got a text from him.

Thomas took me home.

I sigh with relief and reply, Did I take too long? I'm so sorry I was talking to a friend.

He didn't respond so I texted 'hello?' He still didn't reply so I assumed he just didn't have his phone or something. I got home cooked myself dinner. I ate on the couch and thought about Sophia. I can't go out with her. But, I can't let people know I'm gay. What am I gonna do?

I tried to call Ruby but she didn't answer. I guess she must be sleeping.

Tweek's POV

Thomas rubs my back. "Don't worry- CUNT BITCH ASS- Tweek, everything's gonna be fine I'm sure it meant nothing."

"Thomas..." I say quietly. I'll see you tomorrow? What does that mean? Was Craig actually considering going out with Sophia so people don't start to suspect he's gay? I don't want people to know either but he can't go out with her! He's going out with me! He didn't refuse her! And he said he'd be talking to her again! Then he lied to me and said he was talking to a friend!

He doesn't know I know. Why wouldn't he just tell me what happen? If Thomas hadn't shown me then I would have never know anything was wrong. That Craig may or may not be considering cheating on me.

"C'mon, Tweek, he's nobody anyway. You'll get over him."

I snap my head up at Thomas. "Y-You'll get over him? W-What're you trying to s-say?"

"Well," He looks down. "PUSSY ASS WHORE- He's obviously gonna say yes. Tweek, Craig cares a lot about what people think of him. I thought you'd have realized that since you've been dating him for so long. I realized it when we hung out as kids..." He looks back up. "I guess I did talk to him longer than you have back then to now. I just assumed you'd see through his façade like I did."

His façade? Did Craig really care about his appearance that much? Maybe he told Thomas things he didn't tell me when they were younger. I do remember him giving in to peer pressure a lot back then doing stupid things to look cool. Maybe nothing's changed. How could I have been so stupid?!

I knew this would happen. I should have said NO. This couldn't have ever worked. It was never meant to be. Two boys? One being popular and one being a twitchy spazzy fuck up? No way, not compatible. I grab my hair and my eyes water.


"Tweek, let go, the longer you hold on the more it'll hurt when he tells you. You and I both know what Craig's gonna do and you're just denying it."

I wipe my eyes. "I know..."

He hugs me and rubs my back more. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Thanks for having my back, Thomas."

"No problem Tweek- FUCK SHIT CUNT."

"GEH." I twitch and he sighs.

"I was holding it in for so long." He pulls back. "Hey, I'll take you to school from now on too."

I nod and wipe the last tears. "Okay."

Thomas drives me home.

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