Craig's POV
"So, you told Thomas?"
"Y-Yeah... y-you said you didn't c-care and I trust him so I thought it would be alright..."
"It's fine, I just didn't know you two were friends like that."
"I j-just feel like we relate really well b-because of our, you know, issues."
"You like Thomas r-right?"
"Yeah, he's cool." Is it sad to admit that I was in fact a bit jealous that Tweek skipped out on our lunch for Thomas? I mean, I know he didn't mean it intentionally but it hurt my feelings. You know how long I was waiting at my car? Plus, I bought us a cake since I knew he didn't eat lunch I thought we could eat the cake together. But he didn't show, so I waited. Then after about fifteen minutes I went to his last class to find him, he wasn't there. So I checked his bench and sure enough there he was... with someone, so of course I was jealous. You know what? I had every right to be. But, I should just let it go. It meant nothing. Thomas is a good guy and obviously just a friend to Tweek.
But, I still can't get that twisting feeling to leave my stomach. God damn my bad temper.
"That's g-good. Geh," Tweek bites into his piece of cake.
"Red velvet's my favorite dessert." I tell him, "Since you want to know more about me, just thought we'd start with that but we don't have a lot of time left before lunch is over."
Tweek looked down, "I'm sorry..."
God damn it, now I feel guilty. Just because you got jealous doesn't mean you can hurt Tweek's feelings.
Yeah, I say that but still part of me is happy I hurt his feelings. He hurt mine a lot worse.
And he realizes this, obviously. I mean, he feels bad about it, so don't go making it worse on the poor guy.
Who the hell am I talking to?! GOD CRAIG, GET IT TOGETHER! You're a man, fucking apologize, NOW. "No, Tweek, I'm sorry. That was uncalled for... I know it's not your fault."
"BUT IT IS! IT'S SO MY FAULT. I SHOULD'VE REMEMBERED!" He grabbed his hair. I take his hands from his hair and hold them.
"No it's not, stop blaming yourself." I kiss his hand.
He stops rambling and blushes, "We can eat lunch together tomorrow and the day after and for the rest of high school, whatever you want, Craig! Just don't hate me!"
"I don't hate you, Tweek. I could never hate you, but it's seems pointless telling you this since you keep saying I'm gonna leave you."
"You thought- GAH- about it!" He yanks his hands back to pull on his hair again.
"I did not! I told you that's not what I was thinking about!"
"Liar, yes it was! You were gonna leave me and maybe you still a-mmm..." I slam my lips on his to shut him up.
"Tweek, I am not going to leave you!"
He blushes and puts his hands in his lap. "Sorry... I just... didn't get my coffee this morning so I'm a-a little more on the edge."
"It's alright, let's just clean up and head back." I sigh. We finish the rest of the cake and the bell rings. "I'll see you after school."
"I'll meet you at your seventh period so just wait for me."
Tweek's POV

My Parent's Cafe (Creek)
Fanfiction"Dare," Clyde gives a big, evil grin and Craig's face scrunches up in curiosity then worry and fear which is shocking because he doesn't usually care about anything. But, apparently Clyde knows something. About Craig. And he's gonna use it against h...