"This is perfect." Emily exclaimed as she watched Sapphire step out of the curtains dressed in the lacy wedding dress she had picked for her and as expected it was perfect. Sapphire smiled as she studied her own reflection in the full length mirror. A small smile made its way to her lips as she stared at the beautiful dress. It had a lacy turtle neck that allowed a veiled view of her cleavage and it was almost bare at the back revealing her creamy flawless skin.

"You look beautiful honey. I think this dress is perfect for the wedding." Gena said with a dreamy haze in her eyes. Sapphire could feel heat creep over cheeks tinting it with its bright colour. "Thank you." she mumbled giving her a shy smile. She turned back to her reflection and couldn't help but agree with Gena. Yes she did look beautiful.

"I think the dress Liz picked was better." Olivia stated with a snort. Emily rolled her eyes and mumbled something under her breath about snobbish old women. "I think this one looks better." Elizabeth said as she studied her from head to toe with a genuine smile on her face.

"But Liz-" Olivia began but paused when she realised she was the only one who had a problem. "Do whatever you want." she hissed with a snort and scurried away grumbling to herself. "What the hell is her problem?" Emily demanded irritation laced in her voice. "She doesn't like her much ." Elizabeth said with a scoff. Emily rolled her eyes, "Isn't that obvious?"

"I think this dress is perfect." Sapphire said making the girls turn towards her. "See I told you." Emily smugly stated making Elizabeth scoff in annoyance. Sapphire sighed and shook her head. Finally after spending half the day parading boutique after boutique for a PERFECT dress,they finally found it.

Now she could go home, to her babies. She hadn't seen them all morning and she was worried sick. They were with Bennett so there was no question about their safety. But the fact that she hadn't talked to them didn't sit well with her. She had to call Bennett and enquire about the twins or she was going to be worried all day.

She returned to the dressing room and stripped out of the lovely gown and once again put on her clothes. Neatly folding the bundle of silk and lace she walked out and handed it to the sales girl who had assisted them. "I think we should buy this one as well." Elizabeth said handing the gown she had been holding.

"But Liz-" but she cut her off in the middle. "I think it's always better keep a spare gown. You know in case of an emergency -" she trailed off explaining her point. "I think she's right. It's always better to keep a spare gown. You don't know when it might come handy." Gena said with a knowing look on her face.

But Sapphire wasn't convinced. She didn't want to waste money on such an expensive dress she was damn sure she wasn't even going to wear. "But Gena the dress is way too beautiful and expensive, and it would just go waste." she tried to explain. "The last time I checked my son is the one whose playing for that dress." Olivia said rolling her eyes.

"Will you just shut your trap you old snob?" Emily snapped angrily not liking the way she had been treating her friend. " What?! I'm telling the truth. Bennett is going to be paying for everything, " she said proudly with a smug look on her face. Sapphire took a deep breath there was no use of arguing with her.

It was no secret that Olivia didn't like her and she didn't even hide the fact. Throughout the day she had found opportunities to insult her or rather made her feel low but it didn't quite effect her much. You don't get affected by lame insults when your entire life is a joke.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Elizabeth exclaimed glaring at the entrance. Sapphire followed her gaze and narrowed her eyes. The entire Milton team was here with an exception of Cameron of course. The twins were the first to approach them as they ran up to their Mommy and gave her a tight hug.

"Mommy we missed you!" Ethan exclaimed happily as he kissed his mother's cheeks. Sapphire laughed and placed a kiss on his forehead. "Mommy missed you too baby." she said beaming at her twins. "I want a kiss too Mommy." Ethan demanded making her laugh, "Of course honey. " she said as she leaned forward and kissed him on the cheeks.

"What are you boys doing here? Aren't you supposed to stay home and watch Disney movies?" Elizabeth asked as she walked up to them. "Uncle Ryan says Disney movies are for girls." Ethan replied making her roll her eyes. "Don't listen to him he's just -" "I'm what?" he demanded stepping before them his signature smirk playing at the corner of his mouth.

Elizabeth was just about to snap at him but paused when the sales girl returned with their bags. "Thank you for shopping with us ma'am and all the best for your wedding." she wished with a bright smile on her face. Sapphire hesitantly thanked her and just as the girl was about to excuse herself Sapphire asked, "What about the payment?"
The girl smiled at her. "The payment is already done ma'am."

"Oh!" was all she said. She didn't like the fact that Bennett was spending on her and her urge to use her private account that her father had opened for her when she had left to Boston was getting more and more stronger. She had to talk to him and ask him to stop paying for her stuff. She was capable of taking up her own expenses.

She immediately snapped out of her thoughts as she watched him stroll towards them with a boyish smile on his face. "I presume you are finally done with your shopping?" he said in a rich lazy tone that made her go week on her knees. "Who said we are done with the shopping? We have just finished picking up the wedding dress. We have tons of other things to do." Emily said rolling her eyes.

"Actually I think you guys should carry on from here. I mean I'm kind of tired and I think I should just go back home." Sapphire said in a tired tone. Emily tried to argue but Elizabeth cut her off. "I think we could manage it from here. Bennett could drive you home and Ryan could stay with us and drive us around." she said emphasising on the last part of her sentence.

"Do you think I'm your chauffeur to drive you around?" he demanded annoyed by the way they were taking advantage of him. "No! But you are going to be for today." she said with a smug look on her face. Sure she was enjoying this. "Ya right." he said sarcastically rolling his eyes. "Don't worry Sapphire we will manage," she assured her with a resourcing smile.

"In that case we better get going." Bennett suggested as he walked up to her and linked his fingers with her's. She looked up at him and her breath caught in her throat. Warmth spread through her as their skin touched. He looked down at her with the same look on his face. They didn't know how long they stood there staring at each other, until somebody cleared their throat.

"Dude, there are kids around here. If you want to screw your bride, I think you better take her home." Ryan suggested wriggling his eyebrows. Sapphire blushed a cute shade of red and looked away embarrassed by her own behaviour. God! What was wrong with her? Why was she acting like a high school girl?

Bennett bent down and scooped his boys in both his arms and they giggled in response. "Ok then see you at dinner." he said to his brother and gestured Sapphire to follow him. She bid her goodbye to her friends and hurried behind him like a good little puppy eager to please it's master.

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