Missing *

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In the morning, Calvin's senses stirred as the sound of running water echoed through the cabin. Rays of sunlight pierced through the cracks, casting a delicate glow. His gaze fell upon the empty space where Vinnie's snowboard used to be.

Calvin realized that the events in the cabin were now a thing of the past, urging him to leave. He hastily gathered his gear and board, his mind racing with thoughts of his unexpected first kiss. How could he forget such an incredible experience? Would anyone else be able to match it?

As he opened the door, he was met with the sight of Vera's cabin, nestled amidst the pristine blanket of snow. His friends and two Colorado Search and Rescue scouts stood engaged in conversation.

"We're not sure what happened. The wind was fierce, and Calvin fell off a cliff," Shine gestured frantically, her voice muffled by her cupped hand. "Did you find out the name of the guy who went after him?"

One of the scouts responded, "Yeah, his name is Vinh Bergado. Do any of you know him?" Confusion painted the faces of Calvin's friends. "I'm assuming you guys don't know him."

"No, we don't," Trae replied.

Calvin emerged from the cabin, shutting the door behind him. His friends and the scouts turned their attention toward him. Why were the scouts questioning them? Vinnie had claimed they were the ones who brought them to the cabin. Frustration creased Calvin's brow. Could it have been a lie?

His friends hurriedly traversed the newly formed snowbanks.

"Calvin!" Vera and Shine exclaimed.

"Are you alright?" Trae inquired.

Calvin crossed his arms and began to approach, but the creaking door interrupted his stride. Vinnie emerged, hastily fixing his bath towel around his waist. He glanced over at Calvin.

"Oh, there you are," Vinnie chuckled.

Vera and Shine stared wide-eyed, while Trae's expression was one of disbelief. Calvin's face flushed with a mixture of emotions.

"You stayed the night with him?" Shine challenged.

"I was just getting some things," Calvin explained, extending his gear to them.

"It was a remarkable night," Vinnie smirked.

Calvin scratched his forehead, brooding, until he reached his friends. Vera and Shine enveloped him in a hug. The scouts approached Vinnie.

"You've been reported for kidnapping this young man," one of them stated, pointing at Calvin. Vinnie's smirk faded. "We'll have to take you to the police station."

"What do you mean, kidnapped?" Vinnie inquired.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Calvin demanded, stepping forward.

His friends held him back. "Cal, this guy took you away against your will during the storm. We saw him carrying you down a trail just beyond the mountain," Trae blurted out.

"This guy," Calvin pointed at Vinnie, "saved my life." He took a deep breath. "If anything, you should be thanking him." Calvin turned away and strode toward Vera's cabin with his gear.

He decided to make a grand exit, capturing the attention of the onlooking tourists. Had he done the right thing? Standing up for what was right? Absolutely. After all, Vinnie had saved his life.

The memory of their shared moment in the cabin replayed incessantly in Calvin's mind. Vinnie was skilled in the art of kissing, and Calvin couldn't deny the pleasure he had experienced. Yet, guilt lingered within him, coupled with a sense of being used. If he continued down this path, he would be easy prey for Vinnie—a mere fling with no lasting attachment.

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