Sammy imagine part 2

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I turn around walking away leaving them there. I walked a couple of feet but before I knew what was happening I turned around and angrily walk back to them.

"You know what?! Fuck you Sammy you fucking dick! She doesn't even know who the hell I am that means she doesn't even know that you were dating me at the same fucking time you were dating her!" I yelled at him the girl looked shocked and Sammy looked scared... as he should.

I turned toward the girl. "Listen I'm sorry that you didn't know but if you're fucking smart and have a brain you'd leave him... Cause he's a no good piece of shit!" I told her I looked at Sammy in disgust. "And Sammy I loved you, shit once you left my happiness was gone. I actually thought you were the one. But that's was lil pink dick fuckboys like you do right? make girls fall in love then cheat on them." I sarcastically laughed. "Anyways I have to go I have a life to live."

I walked away from them this time I didn't turn around. I laughed and flipped him off as I walked away. "CASSIE, CASSIE, Cassie come on." I hear Sammy yell running towards me. "Sammy I swear to god it takes one little nasty ass fuckboy finger to touch me and I will peppy spray the fuck out of you." I warned.

And what's the lil pink dick fuckboy do? He grabbed my arm. Bitch. I swung my arm and slapped him. I grabbed a little pink bottle of pepper spray out of my purse and sprayed him in the eyes a couple time. "That's right bitch feel the bern🔥!"


💜Stay Lovely 💜

Sammy Wilkinson and Nate Maloley imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang