Haughted house ~ Nate Maloley

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Is anyone else watching Hallowissa on YouTube? Cause I sure the fuck am!

"Okay two tickets." The lady collecting tickets for the Haughted asylum said. Nate gave the lady the tickets and grabbed my hand tightly do to the fact I was scared shitless. "Ready ma?" Nate asked smirking.

"Um I guess so." I barely was able to get out the those simple words. Nate nodded and we entered the entrance of the to asylum. Right away a damn clown jumped in my face. "OH MOTHERFUCKER!" I yelled at him. I heard Nate chuckling like really bitch? This isn't a time for laughing.

I clung on to Nate as we turned to walk down a hallway that was pitch black but a bright light would flicker sometimes. Half way down the hallway a guy in a straight jacket jumped out in front of us. "Sup cuz?" Nate said like it was no big deal. The man kept getting all in my face, "Bitch don't get smacked!" I yelled at him.

Finally he left me alone. Me and Nate went through a curtain type thing and entered a kitchen with blood all over.
"Oh look fresh meat." A girl with a knife said as she ran at us. "Bitch I'll cut you." I yelled hiding my face in Nate's sweatshirt. We continued walking until the lights in the damn place turned completely off "ALRIGHT BITCHES UP IN HERE IF YOU TOUCH ME ILL BEAT THE FUCK OUTTA YALL. I MEAN IT ILL GO FULL ON POWER RANGER ON YO ASS!" I yelled. I heard Nate trying not to laugh.

Finally a light came on only to show a girl dressed as a creepy doll. "Hehe I like you!" The girl said following me. "Yeah well I don't like you." I said clinging back on to Nate.

The girl got closer "I wish I had hair like you! Hehe wanna play?" The doll thing asked touching my hair. "Don't touch my hair." I smacked her hand away. Nate laughed. "My friends are here!" The doll smiled. I looked forward to see a bunch of clowns. Oh shit.

"But they don't play nice." She said skipping away. "AYE you guys know where the weed at?!" Nate yelled at the clowns. I elbowed him hard "Shut up!"

We got closer and two clowns grabbed me and pulled me away from Nate. I started crying "NATE!" I yelled trying to get out their grip. "Leave me alone you assholes." I screamed crying my eyes out.

"Alright, she said leave her alone so leave her the fuck alone." Nate said pushing the clowns on the ground. I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly. "Alright lil mama we just have to go down one more hallway and then we can leave." I nodded sniffling. We turned down the hallways only to see, a dark ass hallway with only a spot light pointed at a guy with a Jason mask and a loud ass chainsaw.

I grabbed Nate's hand. We started to run down the hallway with the guy
Chasing after us. We got closer and closer to the door until finally we were out of that hell hole.
💜Stay Lovely💜

Sammy Wilkinson and Nate Maloley imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now