Sammy ~ Time passes and so will love part two

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(Sammy's P.O.V)

* ding dong*

"SAM GO GET THE FUCKING DOOR." My o so wonderful roommate Nate yelled. "Alright alright I'm going chill." I said running to the door. I opened the door wide looking around for somebody but nobody. I went to shut the door until I heard a baby crying.

"Hey Nate did you order a baby!" I yelled. "What the fuck are you talking about." Nate Asked sitting on the couch in the living room. I shook my head and walked outside, and there laying on my front porch was a baby in a baby carrier.

"What the fuck?" I whispered to myself. I picked up the baby carrier looking around for anyone she or he belongs to. I sat down on the front porch steps and checked the baby carrier for a name or a address but nothing I looked  down at the babies feet and found a note labeled: SAMMY WILKINSON. I pick up the note and began to read it

*dear, Sammy
Hey Sam its me Y/N. The beautiful baby on your front porch is my, well our beautiful daughter Selena Tanya Wilkinson. Yes, I had a daughter you never knew about because on the day your lawyer came to me and told me you were unhappy in the marriage made me feel. Well, horrible like I had done everything wrong but thought I was doing everything right, but that day was also the day I was going to tell you I was 2 months pregnant and I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to stay in this unhappy marriage just because I was going to have a baby. Anyways Sammy I'm giving you Selena because I fell hard back in to depression when you left and by the time your done reading this I will be another angel in heaven. Please take good care of Selena and let her know that I love her... I love you Sam always remember that.

Love, Y/N Y/L/N*

I took my daughter in one arm and the carrier in the other and rushed inside. "Nate I need you to hold my daughter, I need to go like right now!" I yelled giving him Selena. "Wait what? Daughter what daughter? Holy shit you have a daughter and didn't tell me?!" Nate questioned.

"No time to explain. I have to go like right now." I said running out of the house and into my car. I started driving to Y/N's house thinking of how bad I screwed up, I mean I left my love awhile back and I might lose her forever if I don't hurry up already. I stepped on the gas to go even faster. I parked at Y/N's house and ran inside. Once inside I searched every room in the damn house. But no Y/N. I started thinking of where she could be and the park me and her always went to came to mind. I ran back out of the house and I was back in my car. I took my phone out trying to call her.

"Hey this is the voice mail of Y/N I'm sorry I couldn't get to the phone right now but I'll call you back as soon as I can. bye" I cried hearing her sweet voice that I missed so much. I finally got to the gosh damn park and saw
Y/N's car park near the cliff. "Please please be okay Y/N!" I whispered to myself.

I hopped out of my car and walked towards hers looking through all the windows. Only to see her phone on one of the seats. I ran to the cliff not seeing any one until I looked down the cliff. There laid the love of my life lifeless at the bottom of a cliff. I cried even harder and pulled my phone out of my pocket calling 9-1-1.

(6 weeks later at funeral BTW everyone knows about Selena now.)

I walked in the funeral home with Nate by my side and Selena in my arms. I looked around at all of Y/N's family and friends and pretty much all of them were giving me looks that could kill. "SELENA!!!" Y/N's mom, dad, and sisters and brother yelled running over to were me and Selena were. "Oh my gosh she looks just like
Y/N!" Y/N's mom yelled Taking Selena from me. "Hi baby girl." Y/M/N said smiling brightly at her. She looked up at me and her face turned to disgust. "You." She stated blandly. (A/N this would 100 percent be my mother😹)

"Hello ma'am." I said politely.

(Skipping the death glares and fast forwarding to when Sammy has to give a speech.)

"Okay and um the next speech goes to Sam Wilkinson so can he please come up here." The lady who was running the funeral said. I stood up nervously feeling glares as I made my way up to the stage thing. "Six weeks ago I lost some one very important to me. I was just to ignorant to know how much Y/N meant to me and now I know. I guess it's true you don't know what you've got until it's gone. I-I saw Y/N lifeless and thought my life was over and to be honest I wanted to jump off to be with her. She didn't deserve to die unhappy or to die at all she was the sweetest person on the planet, I just wish I could of been there." I said crying uncontrollably. I went back to sit down but noticed people weren't giving me death glares but they were giving me looks of sympathy. Y/M/N gave me back Selena and whispered "If you need anything, anything at all. I don't care if it's damn lasagna. Call me." She turned back around after giving me another look of sympathy. I smiled lightly and looked down at the star of my life Selena.
Hey lovelies, suicide is a big issue and if you ever need to talk to anyone, you can always just message me or something. So I guess what I'm trying to say is 💜Stay Lovely💜

Sammy Wilkinson and Nate Maloley imaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon