Nate imagine for @Queen_gamers

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Me and Nate waited in line at a Zombie hay ride, Nate was just dying to do. "Remind me why we're here again?" I asked Nate. "We're gonna shoot some zombies with those laser things right there babe, it will be fun."

"The fuck you mean it will be fun? If a zombie gets remotely close to me. I'll fuck his ass up with a laser."
I said taking Nate's hand as we moved up in line. "Alright babe, you do that." Nate smiled down at me.

Finally, me and Nate and some people behind us were next. And oh look here comes another hayride thing. "10 people!" The guy taking tickets yelled. He took me and Nate's tickets and then 8 peoples tickets that were behind us.

"Alright babe you need a little help up there?" Nate laughed. I looked at the very back edge of the hay ride and back at Nate. "Uh yeah imma need you to put me on there." I said Nate grabbed me by my waist and put me on the edge. Nate himself sat on the edge of the hayride.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen today we are going to be shooting zombies with these guns right here *shows laser gun thing* (blah blah blah backstory blah blah blah safety shit) okay let's go." The driver of the hayride said. He walked back the front of the hayride and the hayride started moving. "Oh my shit." I grabbed Nate's arm as we started moving. "Babe it's okay they are just people in mask." Nate said trying to calm me down.

"Yeah just heart less people that scare the living shit out of people like me for money. This shit should be illegal to be honest." I said. Nate laughed. "Oh look babe." Nate pointed in front of us since we sat in the back of the damn thing zombies were coming straight for us.

On zombie jumped out from a near by tree. "Oh I see... You wanna die muthafucka?!" I asked and shot him with the laser gun thingy. He fell down on the ground like he had died.

Then the group of zombies were coming closer and closer. "DIE BITCH DIE!" I yelled at one the was getting dangerously close to me. Nate laughed at shot at other zombies. Two zombies came by with loud ass chainsaws.

"Ah hell nah." I said shooting a hundred times at each of them. "JUST FUCKING DIE! WHY WONT YOU DIE ALREADY?!" I yelled at one zombie that was running with a chainsaw.

Nate finally killed the dumb bitch. But the second zombie was no where to be found. Until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around slowly. And there that creepy dickhead was. "OH HELL NO. MAY THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPEL YOU!!!!" I yelled before ripping his ass off the hayride. Nate chuckled and whispered to me, "Did you just steal a quote from the exorcist?"

I nodded my head. "Bye Felicia!" I yelled as I killed another zombie. Yet another zombie came at me "Yeet!" I shot him dead.

Finally the hayride was over and let's just say I was the first one off that damn thing.

💜Stay Lovely💜

Anyways I hope you like this! :) @gueen_gamers

Sammy Wilkinson and Nate Maloley imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang