Chapter 31: EPILOGUE

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I am so sorry, this chapter has taken me forever to finish, I have been so busy with my summer. Any way hope you like the chapter ❤ __________

Emma's and Luke's kids (twins)
Emma's P.o.v
"Huney!" I yell from the living room. I'm starving, and what I want most of all is stuffed French toast with strawberry with EXTRA wip cream. "Huney!" I called again louder. "I'm coming babe, in here!" He ran into the room breathless. He must have been up stairs finishing the baby's room. I'm due in 1 week. Its so exiting but also a bit scary. Its been 5 years since Luke proposed. We didn't get married for a year after, and 5 years latter I'm pregnant. We still don't know if it's a girl or a boy, we want it to be a surprise.

"What's wrong!" Luke yells frantically. Ever since my due date has been coming up Luke as been on edge. I think he's just nurvas to become a dad. "I'm SUPPER hungry" I pout. He's face looks a bit relieved. "Oh okay. What would you like?" He asks taking a step towards the kitchen. "Everything" I say happy. He turns around smiling. He face suddenly drops. "Luke, what's wrong?" I ask getting worried. "I-I think your water just broke" He said more to himself, i think. My eyes suddenly went down to below me. He was right my water broke! "Oh my God! Luke!" I yell snapping him out of his thoughts. "Lets go! Come on!" He ran over to me and helped me stand. He started to walk to the front door. He quickly grabed the bag that we put there a month ago. With towels, water things like that.

We rushed outside to the car and got in quickly. Luke drove to the hospital extremely fast. I'm pretty shore were going to get a speeding ticket. "Aaaaaaa" I screamed. It hurt so much. It was like your worst cramp times 1000 and then add your on my period Times 1000. It hurt so dam much. Luke's head shot to me with panic in his hole face. "Hold on baby. Deep breaths" He said calmly pulling up to the hospital. We parked and he helped me get out of the car and rushed to the doors.
Luke's P.o.v

I ran into the hospital screaming for help. "Dr. Jess! Dr. Jess! Help my wife is going into labor! " I screamed for are doctor. Dr. Jess ran out of the hallway towards us. A other girl doctor was right behind her with a wheelchair. Dr. Jess quickly had Emma put into the chair and rolled into a room. I was about to follow her when Dr. Jess stoped Me, "just give us a few minutes, we well come and get you when she's ready" and with that he just left. He left me there in a waiting room while my wife was hurting, all alone. I should be there with her. Helping her get through it.

Folling the doctors order I took long and deep breath and sat down and a not so comfy seat. I took out my phone and started to text people telling them to come to the hospital. I texted marija first, she replied a few seconds, yelling saying to hold on and she would be there in 5 minutes. She lives 10 minutes away so I guess she is planing on driving race car fast. Whitch I know she came do.

I texted my mom and dad, over the years we have gotten closer and they have come to love Emma. I texted Emma's new friends, cat, Jess and kayle. They became friends in college.

I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard the doctor call my name. "Luke!!" I jumped out if my chair and over to the doctor. "she's ready for you to hold her hand" I shook my head nervously and followed the doctor into a room. There she was the love of my life. She was closing her eyes tightly and taking deep breaths. Some of the long breaths turned into whimpers and some turned into small yells. My heart broke a little seeing her in pain, but I knew I had to be brave and strong for her. She yelled loudly and doctors came rushing in. "Okay Luke go hold Emma's hand and help her get through this. Doctor Mali grab what we need." I walked over to Emma and grabbed her hand and whispered things to try and calm her down. "Shh it's okay, I love you, your an amazing wife and your going to be a even more amazing mother." She seemed to calm down for a second and then she screamed again. "Okay her ready, Emma pushh! "
Sorry I don't know much about giving birth

"Wwaaaa" the babies cry out. "Congratulations, there twins" the doctor says. He rinses them off and wraps them in baby blankets. He hands the girl to me and the boy to Emma. Once Emma gets hold of are angle het eyes begin to get glossy. Her smile is big and beautiful. I look down at my baby girl and smile and her. Her eyes are closed and she is taking small deep breaths. I can already tell that she's a daddy's girl. "Luke," Emma says in a soft voice. I don't answer not wanting the babies to wake up. I look up still smiling. "What are we going to name them?" She asks looking over and the baby in my arms and then at the baby in her arms. "Well what do you think of Aurora for the girl?" I asked looking at the girl in my arms. "I love it and what about, Phillip for the boy?" She asks looking down at the boy. The names are perfect "I love it, And I love them and I love you." I say kissing Emma of the lips.

"I love you to Luke, hallways have and always will"

The End

Its the end! I can't believe my book is over. It has been amazing writing and being able to share it with you guys. You guys have helped me so much, by correcting my spelling to just voting and commenting how much you like my book. It has all been amazing. I still can't belive that I have over 70k, you guys are awsome, thank you so much. Please check out my other books that I started.

Thank you all so much

❤ Melanie Taylor ❤

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