Chapter 15: Where is the EXIT

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Is walked I walked down the hallway, tugging Addy along I turned the corner. I swear that door looks the same as the one and the one before that? OH MY GOD WERE GOING IN CIRCLES! Oh she is dead. I turn to her and see her smiling. I shove her in the wall with one hand holding on to her neck and the other holding her arms down so she can't get away "you little brat! Your leading me in circles! Where is the flipping Exit?!?"She just smiled insistently. "I don't know what you mean? Maybe if we go around one more time?" She asked softly. That's it I'm through with this stupid girl, she probably doesn't even know where the exit is! I smiled and hit her head knocking her out. I opened the janitors door and through her in. I walked away with no care in the world, I've done that evey time I fight. I remembered that last time I went right so I decided to go left. I ran and saw an exit sine! "Thank God!" I ran and smacked the door open. I ran outside and saw I was in some kind of factory. It was dark and really cold. I ran to the street and I saw a car coming. I saw enoof movies to know that in the cars are always the people who took you, so I hid behind a tree. When it passed I saw it pulling into the factory. (So called it) I thought. I ran the way the car came. When I saw a mall a few miles away I ran to it. I walked into Jc Penny and went to the register. All I could think of is Luke and if he was looking for me. I walked up. "Exuse me miss, but may I use a phone my parents left me and I don't have my phone on me?" I asked sweetly. She looked over, it was a lady in her mid 60s. "Of course dear" She said with a smile giving me her phone. I started to type Luke's number 727-***-****
"Hello" a deep voice anseared he sounded tired. I hope I didn't wake him up :-(
"Hello, luke?" There was a gasp "Emma?!?" A voice said happy. "The one the only" "Oh my god, where have you been, what happened, if been looking for you for 2 weeks?!?" "What?!" I asked. I was kidnapped for 2 weeks? That's impossible! "Ya, are you okay? Where are you?" "I'm fine for now, I'm at a Dillards on," I paused, and looked at the lady "what street are we on?" "Riverblank" She replayed sweetly "thanks" "Luke, I'm on Riverblank, please come and get me" I asked, well almost begging. "I'm already on my way, be there in 10 minutes" I hung up and waited out side.
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