Chapter 13: Who Are You?

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Billy-look up
Emma's p.o.v.
I saw black. That's all I could see. I had, what I'm guessing a blind fold on me. "Hello?" I called out. I heard a door open, I snaped my way to the direction I heard the door open. I waited and waited, nothing. Maybe I was just hearing things, but then I heard foot steps. They were getting louder and louder as they came closer.
"Who are you!? What do you want?!" The foot steps stoped and all the sudden my blind fold was ripped off. My eyes tried to get used to the light. When I was used to it I looked to see who took off my blind fold. It was a tall boy about 6,1 maybe, he looked fit (like me), he had black hair and blue eyes. He was acutely pretty cute looking. I pushed the thought away. And asked my two questions again. "Who are you? Ans what do u want?" I asked sharply. He crossed his arms and just looked at me, "I'm sorry are we having a staring contest I don't know about?" I said angrily. "Okay,Okay" he said in a deep voice, he put his hands in surrender. Who is this guy?

"Hi I'm Billy" he said smiling. I looked at him before saying "hi I'm," I was cut off vary rudely "Emma, yang I know" he said harshly. "Well 1: vary rude, you can't just cut people off like that! 2: how do you know my name? And 3: this is more of just a comment but, anyway 3:you are horrible at tying nouts." I said smelling my evile smile. "Wait what?" He said confused. I quickly got up from my chair and grabbed him. I slammed him to the ground. I tied up his hands and knocked him out. Wow he is not vary good at nouts or fighting back. I ran out the door and I was in a white and bright hallway. I looked at the door I just came out of it had a file. I grabbed it and opened it. I saw my name on the top, a picture of me, and all my personal information, at the bottom there was a question that was not filled out yet. The question was,

That Is Emma Taylor Secret?
Hi sorry it's short, I have been busy with my sprained foot. I well try and update to omorrow morning. Anyway hope you liked it. Please vote and let me know what you think, and what should happen.

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